It’s OK If Migrants Rape Me; I’ll Heal, Says Teen Czech Girl Scout – IOTW Report

It’s OK If Migrants Rape Me; I’ll Heal, Says Teen Czech Girl Scout

The Silicon Graybeard: On the far side of the Atlantic, the debates in the scouting community are a bit different than here in the Collapsing States of America.  On our side, we debate whether people should use bathrooms that match their “factory standard plumbing fixtures”.  In Europe, they’re actually debating whether Europe survives.  Even if they don’t know it, as is the case with this young girl.  PJ Media tells the story.

This past May Day, much ado was made about one Czech Scout, Lucie Myslikova, who dared to confront a Neo-Nazi demonstrator while wearing her scouting uniform. Google the event and you’ll get a slew of headlines about the teenager who “Stood Up to the Far-Right” and the photo of the “girl standing up to a skinhead” that went viral.

The media went into full-tilt fawning mode.  A schoolgirl crush on a schoolgirl, if you will, and emphasized that angle, not the discussion itself.  It’s such a dramatic image!  That’ll sell us some magazines!!

But what were the girl scout and the “Neo-Nazi” actually talking about?  It becomes a bit harder to find out than you might think.

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24 Comments on It’s OK If Migrants Rape Me; I’ll Heal, Says Teen Czech Girl Scout

  1. So she says that she will “get over it’ if she’s raped and the left elevates her to hero status. How come if someone here happens to tell a rape victim to “get over it” they are destroyed by the left to the point of losing family, career, home, and possibly life?

    These are some of the stupidest people who ever wasted oxygen by drawing a breath. They will say and do anything to justify their sick ideology.

  2. They may be skin heads or neo-nazi’s
    but they can hear the “sound of distant thunder”.
    That girl scout needs to talk to rape survivors
    and find out just how difficult “healing” from
    rape actually is…

  3. Either her parents are child abusers, or she doesn’t know how the birds and the bees work. Who lets their daughter say and welcome mentally and physically abusive shit like that?

  4. Will you though? koranimals rape in packs, and they rip and tear your vagina and anus. If you are lucky you might survive, but you might not be able to have kids and might needs ongoing surgeries. Ask Lara whatshername. And do you enjoy nighmares and flashbacks and lifelong anxiety?

  5. That’s the spirit. Why let something like gang rape stand in the way of your world view? Of course, her position on things is a tacit admission that yes, refugees do engage in rape frequently, but that’s o.k. because she’s into diversity and it’s fine for diversity to get into her.

    Stick a fork in it, Europe – you’re done.

  6. Americans don’t understand that our horror over young European women being raped & beaten is not shared with their Stockholm Syndrome mentality populace. They have had it ingrained too deeply in their brains.

  7. SHE may be ok with being raped because “the wounds will heal” but very few thinking people are cool with that. So where’s the leftist howling over her imposing her will and perceptions on everyone else?

    I’m also curious to know how, once the real conversation became more known in Czech republic, how the people there responded to it.

  8. Someone should ask her if it’s OK if her mom gets raped. And her brother. Don’t forget they’ll kill the dog, too. Will he get over it?

  9. The rest of her town probably doesn’t agree. Take a look at her shoulder tab. Brno hosts the Czech republic’s biggest arms manufacturer. Can’t wait for the 7.5 FK to be imported here. I hope they are ready to repel invaders themselves.

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