Condoleezza Rice Praises Trump: ‘I Found Him Asking Really Good Questions’ – IOTW Report

Condoleezza Rice Praises Trump: ‘I Found Him Asking Really Good Questions’

DC: Condoleezza Rice has adopted a new perspective on the president.

Though she once said Donald Trump should drop out of the race because he didn’t have “the dignity and stature” to be president, Rice told Politico Playbook in an interview Tuesday that she “found him engaging” when the two met in the Oval Office last month.

“I found him on top of his brief, and I found him asking really good questions,” Rice said.


SNIP: Oh thank goodness! Now we can all sleep at night. *eye roll*

7 Comments on Condoleezza Rice Praises Trump: ‘I Found Him Asking Really Good Questions’

  1. And the waitress is practicing politics
    As the businessmen slowly get stoned
    Yes they’re sharing a drink they call “Loneliness”
    But it’s better than drinking alone

  2. I guess I’m glad Rice now *kinda* supports President Trump.
    “He asked really good questions!”
    How patronizing.
    Actually, insulting to Mr. Trump – and to the rest of us that saw Mr. Trump’s conservative leadership abilities early on.
    “Maybe you guys aren’t so stupid after all,” she insinuates with her statement.
    But if Nancy Pelosi starts singing Mr. Trump’s praises I will really be concerned.

  3. Exactly how I saw it, Mr. Anth Ropy.
    She sounded like she was surprised Trump knew he was president.
    Can’t stand her never Trump ass , and frankly I never could even during the Bush days.

  4. “Condi” Rice’s condenscending evaluation of President Trump is expected. She will always be an elitist progressive nerd and a Bush clan groupie. Her new book proves it.

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