Barry meets with Al in Italy – IOTW Report

Barry meets with Al in Italy

WNB: MILAN, Italy (World News Bureau) – A photo posted to social media Tuesday morning appears to show Barack Obama privately conferring with Al Gore in Italy where the two are attending “Seeds and Chips – The Global Food Innovation Summit.”

The pairing is causing speculation that the former president is planning to devote himself to crushing capitalism ‘green’ causes, in addition to community organizing and doing everything in his power to bring failure to the Trump administration.

Go see

*Visual Warning!*

h/t Outdoorjohn

9 Comments on Barry meets with Al in Italy

  1. Food innovation: Countries with food will be required to donate it to those countries with insufficient food and to those countries with exploding populations. Socialism at its best.

  2. what in the hell does barky and al know about farming ?

    really, what can they add to the discussion on growing food but their fee’s for “being there”.

    when it comes to framing they have fertilizer for brains.

  3. Maybe Barky and Al were discussing how to split the 15 Trillion dollars to be made from carbon credits! As for farming, it appears that Barky got some sage advice from Al (who got it from Dukakis) on how to grow and market Arugula!

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