John Oliver’s Net Neutrality Campaign Filled With Bots, Fake Comments, Racist Attacks Against FCC Chairman – IOTW Report

John Oliver’s Net Neutrality Campaign Filled With Bots, Fake Comments, Racist Attacks Against FCC Chairman

I don’t remember… Was John Oliver the boy or the dog? 


WFB: John Oliver’s “grassroots” activism against Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai is full of bot accounts, fake comments, and death threats against the chairman.

Oliver, the comedian who once took credit for spurring the Obama administration to adopt net neutrality, is once again turning to his millions of viewers of his HBO show for “grassroots activism,” as Chairman Pai is readying the agency to reverse the policy.

However, an analysis of comments to Pai’s Restoring Internet Freedom filing, which Oliver has dubbed “Go FCC yourself,” shows thousands of comments using fake names and bots posing as “Jesus Christ,” “Michael Jackson,” “Homer Simpson,” and “Melania Trump.”

For instance, as of Tuesday evening, there were 1,761 comments filed under the name “John Oliver,” 998 separate comments using the name “Yoni Schwartz,” and 611 comments filed using “1” as the name.

Over 500 were submitted using Chairman Pai’s name, as well as 189 from “Donald Trump” and 8 from “Obama.”


17 Comments on John Oliver’s Net Neutrality Campaign Filled With Bots, Fake Comments, Racist Attacks Against FCC Chairman

  1. Progressives are the kind of people who up-vote their own discussion comments, then breathe deeply and smile while cupping their farts. I’m shocked that this campaign is inflated with fake supporters. Just breathless – and not just from the progressive flatus.

  2. Oliver and Maher have more than one thing in common: NASALIS LARVATUS. They also suck along with Colbert.
    TSUNAMI @ yes, he jeeringly dared Trump to run.
    Eat crow Oliver, you corksoaker!

  3. Kind of a shame about him. When he first went on the air he went after everybody and was pretty funny about doing it. The more successful he got though, the more liberal/left he seemed to turn. Now he’s just another late night comic with a staff of 20 comedy writers churning out anti-conservative bullshit in the manner of Colbert and the other one. Too damn bad because if he had stayed in the middle, equally bopping both sides he’d probably have an even bigger audience.

  4. Don Johnson was the boy. The dog was just a dog.
    Dull movie, but a priceless punchline at the end.

    @scr – that seems to happen to all of them. In 2004, during the election, Jon Stewart had a great rant about openness. Colbert used to be pretty accommodating with his guests – he may have been pretending to be conservative but at least he let them speak their piece and showed appreciation for their thoughts. And Trevor Noah sounded downright libertarian – certainly appreciative of America as an immigrant, but a few years ago.

  5. Oliver was sometimes mildly funny in his original 60 second appearances on the old Daily Show. His character was pretentiously-self-important, and the usual punchline was his clueless misinformation about the USA–history, geography, everything.

    As he achieved more airtime, the pressure increases to promote the Official Narrative. Which is never, and cannot ever be, “funny”.

    I don’t think any of these network “comedians ” has any real control over their careers. There’s a role and a time slot and you stay only so long as you conform. Deviate or otherwise fail to conform and you’re replaced.

    Bobcat Goldthwaite. (Sp?) THAT was a funny guy.

  6. like all of the Left’s so-called “grassroots” campaigns, this one is as AstroTurfed as all the others. FAKE.

    Net Neutrality is Leftist Fascism

  7. @open the door; The Bobcat was great. Did you ever catch him in the Married with Children episode “It’s a Bundyfull Life”. Great stuff.

    @Manfield Lovell; as I understand this net neutrality issue is mostly to do with cable and internet providers selling unlimited download with extreme speed and crying unfair when their customers use something like NetFlixx to watch movies. Then suddenly unlimited becomes limited when the speed is throttled by these providers and they try to charge extra premium rates and the net is no longer neutral, at least according to the Senators they’ve bought.

  8. Yes I meant the late great Sam Kinison.
    I see I’m not the only one who confuses him with Bobcat G.
    Kinison’s specials are still available on Netflix streaming. He holds up well. Wish he were here.

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