Officials Being Interviewed for Interim FBI Position – With VP Mike Pence Interview – IOTW Report

Officials Being Interviewed for Interim FBI Position – With VP Mike Pence Interview

Conservative Treehouse: 

(Via ABC) U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are interviewing candidates to take over the FBI as interim director, after James Comey’s firing Tuesday.

Four candidates are being interviewed today, fielded from senior FBI and Justice Department officials and the heads of FBI field offices across the country, according to a Justice Department official.

The four candidates: FBI Executive Assistant Director Paul Abbate, who leads the agency’s cyber and criminal branch; National Counterintelligence Executive William Evanina; Special Agent Adam Lee, who runs the Richmond field office; and Special Agent Michael Anderson, who runs the Chicago field office.  READ MORE

7 Comments on Officials Being Interviewed for Interim FBI Position – With VP Mike Pence Interview

  1. I just don’t get why everybody wants Trey Gowdy. The FBI is a law enforcement organization, not a prosecutorial outfit.

    Wasn’t part of the problem with Comey that he was not part of the FBI?

    Personally, I think promoting from within the Bureau is far smarter than parachuting someone in who has no understanding of the culture.

  2. Clark?

    Because of his vast experience at the FBI?

    A county sheriff is an elected position. What requisite experience does Sheriff Clark have? I mean other than appearing as a guest on Fox News?

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