TX bill allows disqualification for transgender steroid use in school sports – IOTW Report

TX bill allows disqualification for transgender steroid use in school sports


AUSTIN, Texas – Texas lawmakers want to give the state’s governing body for school sports the authority to disqualify students if doctor-approved steroid use gives them an advantage.

The Texas Senate approved Senate Bill 2095 on Tuesday to give the University Interscholastic League the authority to decide whether a ban on steroid use applies to specific students in different circumstances, such as transgender students receiving doctor prescribed hormone therapy, the Texas Tribune reports.

Currently, students receiving hormone therapy are allowed to participate simply by providing documentation from their doctor, but SB 2095 would allow the UIL to disqualify students if the situation affects safety or provides an unfair advantage.

“This is for fairness and safety of the students,” said Bob Hall, the bill’s sponsor. “Steroids can create a situation where it would be unsafe and unfair for students to compete.”  more

11 Comments on TX bill allows disqualification for transgender steroid use in school sports

  1. Wait, help me out here. if your a dude trying to become a woman you’re not taking Steroids, you’re taking Estrogen. How about cutting to the chase. If you have a dick attached you don’t compete in women’s athletics. Better yet do a DNA test.

  2. Since transgenderism is a mental disorder, just pass a law that says for the safety of our students we won’t allow them to compete with persons suffering from this mental illness.

  3. Why does everyone have to be PC and tip toe around?!
    Democrat – “Isn’t the real intent of your bill to ban students from competing who are taking steroids for gender dysphoria?”
    The answer is YES. Not, “Absolutely not,” “It is not in response to that.” and going into fairness and safety BS. YES that is the intent because they are choosing to take a hormone and are no longer eligible. A better answer would be HELL YES.

  4. “transgender students receiving doctor prescribed hormone therapy”

    let’s see cps go after these doctors for child abuse the way they go after Christian and homeschooling parents.

  5. In Texas UIL sports, you compete in the gender you were born into. This didn’t take into account the case of steroid hopped F-M trannies. This law closes that loophole.

    Next, we’ll be hearing about Russian (the new East Germans) exchange students.

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