You want to see diversity at the University of Oregon? Look at the College Republicans – IOTW Report

You want to see diversity at the University of Oregon? Look at the College Republicans

College Fix: 

Campus newspapers are starting to take a deeper look at one oft-ignored marginalized group on their campuses: Republicans.

The Daily Emerald has a rich feature on the University of Oregon’s College Republicans chapter, which has actually grown since Donald Trump’s election but does not fit the stereotype frequently deployed by leftists against campus Republicans. This is how you start a feature:

Students trickle into an empty classroom and shed their jackets, revealing their T-shirts. One shows a rainbow campaign logo stating “Make America great and Gay again,” and others walk in wearing bright red Make America Great Again hats. Many compliment their friends’ regalia as it is uncloaked, and a few mention how grateful they were to cross campus without being insulted or having a confrontation.

Their members include “students of color, international students and members of the LGBTQIA+ community,” yet they are frequently labeled “white supremacists and fascists”:

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