Comey called Trump ‘crazy’ after Obama wiretapping claims – IOTW Report

Comey called Trump ‘crazy’ after Obama wiretapping claims

The Hill: Former FBI Director James Comey reportedly told associates in March that President Trump was “crazy” for suggesting former President Barack Obama had wiretapped him.

Comey also called the president “outside the realm of normal,” according to a report from The New York Times on Wednesday.

The Times said that, in return, Trump was furious when Comey publicly refused to back his claims that he was wiretapped during the 2016 campaign before the House Intelligence Committee in March.

Comey said during the March 20 hearing that the FBI had “no information” supporting Trump’s allegations.

The Times report highlight lingering tensions between the president and Comey.that led Trump to decide to fire the FBI chief on Tuesday, a decision that stunned Washington.

Trump reportedly became increasingly angered by Comey’s remarks in the weeks after the March hearing and began discussing his possible firing.

The president told aides there was “something wrong with” Comey Sunday, two days before his ultimate ouster.  more here

15 Comments on Comey called Trump ‘crazy’ after Obama wiretapping claims

  1. Old school. The buck stops here management. I like it.
    If one of my employees continued to bad mouth me in public I would pink slip them too. As President, the loyalty of your senior staff is critical to your success.
    Comey mishandled the Clinton investigation which then led to all this Russian influence nonsense.
    Here is a box. Clean out your desk.

  2. Sounds like pure fake news BS. Trump is so unhinged he fired Comey because he called him crazy. Please. If he is that crazy and irrational wouldn’t he have done it at the time he learned of the remarks because he is unhinged instead of executing a flawless termination? Just trying to keep the sad story alive that Trump is a dangerous madman.

  3. Comey YOU SUCK. You should have subpoenaed obozo for his numerous illegal activities and you should have imprisoned hilLIARy for setting up that private server and and and and and. Instead you did the old Potomac two-step and double talked and hemmed and hawed just like the hard core liberal loser you are. What a pathetic loser. GO AWAY comey. This rat should be behind bars for dereliction of duty. that hillary clinton is not serving multiple life sentences is a travesty and makes a complete joke and sham of our legal system and the FBI.

  4. Comey overplayed his hand.
    Smart career move, badmouthing the POTUS.

    Once you achieve the status of a private jet flying your sycophantic staff and motorcade to yet another audience of employees pretending to adore you, and Press begging for just one more quote, the delusions of grandeur are more than most mortals can bear.
    These types believe they’re God Emperor Of Dune, complete with Imperial Sardaukar.

    Everyone from Maxine Waters to the lowliest PR intern believes they’re the most brilliant and indispensable Vast Intellect on the planet.

    I’m personally hoping the Clintons arrange a new Arkancide in Fort Marcy Park. Considering lifetime pension and perks costs, that’s another kind of Taxpayer Relief Shot.

  5. Comey’s right Trump is not Normal !!!
    I know alot of normal people, but none of them have : Changed Skylines of Cities, become a sought after Television Interview / SNL host. Made themselves Billionares or become President of The United States.

  6. Trump despises people who lack candor. There wasn’t one thing I didn’t like about the way Trump fired Comey. The delivery was special and deserving.

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