Senate Confirms Trump’s Nominee to Lead FDA – IOTW Report

Senate Confirms Trump’s Nominee to Lead FDA

Daily Signal: The Senate confirmed Dr. Scott Gottlieb to lead the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday, filling in the list of presidential appointments at the Department of Health and Human Services.

President Donald Trump’s nominee for commissioner of food and drugs was confirmed by a vote of 57-42.

As commissioner of the FDA, Gottlieb, a physician, will report to Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and oversee the regulatory and approval process for new drugs.

Gottlieb was a senior FDA administrator under former President George W. Bush, and has advised the Department of Health and Human Services on health IT policy. He has written extensively on drug and health reform topics for a variety of journals and newspapers, and practiced internal medicine for many years.

Like other Trump nominees, Gottlieb has criticized the agency he will now lead. He once decried the “harmful culture” as damaging to the agency’s core mission.

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