A man finally gets his prescription for Viagra… – IOTW Report

A man finally gets his prescription for Viagra…

A man finally gets his prescription for Viagra. 
Anxious to try it out, he takes one as soon as he gets home, and waits for his wife to come home from work but, in his excitement he forgets and leaves the package open on the table and his parrot eats all of them. 
Seeing the results and panicking the man grabs the bird and stuffs him into the freezer to cool off.  Just as his wife comes home, the Viagra kicks in and it’s hours later before he remembers the parrot…. [continued]

7 Comments on A man finally gets his prescription for Viagra…

  1. Never seen a frozen chicken with its legs frozen together since the legs are on each side…..

    Don’t know what else I t was trying to screw on freezer.

  2. Did anyone else happen to catch Mark Steyn filling in for Rush last Friday?

    I am incapable of relaying his quick witted style.

    He was speaking about North Korea’s latest missile launch failure and the imposition of additional sanctions. He said that the only thing they export is knock off Viagra so sanctions won’t work and that their Viagra has the same success as their No Dong missile. It goes up for a few seconds then pffft.

    It was hilarious.

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