NBC’s Lester Holt Interrupts Trump 9 Times in Less than 3 Minutes – IOTW Report

NBC’s Lester Holt Interrupts Trump 9 Times in Less than 3 Minutes

Breitbart: NBCNews.com on Thursday posted a two minute and 34 second preview clip of anchor Lester Holt’s exclusive sit-down with President Donald Trump. The clip features Holt conducting an interrogation-like interview in which the NBC personality interrupted Trump nine times and spoke over the president on many of those occasions.

The short clip is part of a 31-minute White House interview set to air Thursday night on NBC Nightly News.

In the clip, Holt can be seen questioning almost every statement made by Trump.

In one instance, Holt asked Trump about his May 9 letter ousting F.B.I Director James Comey in which Trump wrote, “I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation.”

Holt asked Trump, “Why did you put that in there?”

Trump replied, “Because he told me that. I mean, he told me…”

Before Trump could finish his sentence, Holt interrupted, asking, “He told you you weren’t under investigation regarding the Russian investigation?”

“Yeah, and I’ve heard that from others. I think…” Trump began to respond before Holt interrupted again.

“Was it in a phone call? Did you meet face-to-face?” Holt interjected, speaking over Trump.

“I had a dinner with him. He wanted to have dinner because he wanted to stay on. We had a very nice dinner at the White House…”

Holt spoke over Trump again, interrupting this time by asking, “He, he asked for the dinner?”


15 Comments on NBC’s Lester Holt Interrupts Trump 9 Times in Less than 3 Minutes

  1. I think at some point in the near future, Trump needs to pick and choose who he gives access to. NBC is in the bag for the Democrats, Trump gave Holt a shot at an interview, and Holt demostrated that he is still in “All In For Hillary” campaign mode. Time to write off Lester Holt as someone Trump will waste time with.

    Tough questions are part of the process, and I don’t mind reporters asking tough questions so long as they are fair. Holt would never do this with Hillary, or probably any other Democrat, and Trump is not enough of a politician to duck questions or give evasive answers. Time to quit wasting time with Lester Holt.

  2. I wish DJT would stop explaining why he fired Comey. All he shoud say is: “I lost confidence in him, just as many leading Democrats had. It was in my authority to fire him, and I did, and that’s all I am going to say on the matter. Next question.” If the questioning on Comey continues, terminate the interview.

  3. I just hope Trump is setting the MSM up – it will be a long 3 1/2 years for NBC with absolutely NO interviews granted
    Next time NBC calls asking for one on one with any senior administration officials the answer should be “Go interview Lester Holt”

  4. holt literally talks out the side of his mouth which is why I could never stand to watch or listen to him. Probably the result of having a forked tongue.

  5. Black Affirmative Action privilege…

    It is my hope that all these clowns’ effronteries bring tarring and feathering back into the political scene as a justified and very popular response. Maybe torches and pitchforks too…

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