Hepatitis C nearly tripled in US in 5 years – IOTW Report

Hepatitis C nearly tripled in US in 5 years

Miami (AFP) – The number of hepatitis C infections have nearly tripled in the United States in the last five years, particularly among people in their 20s, researchers said Thursday.

The bloodborne virus is transmitted by injection drug use, dirty needles, blood transfusions and sex. Chronic infection can lead to cirrhosis or cancer of the liver.

Hepatitis C is the top infectious disease killer in the nation, taking nearly 20,000 lives in 2015, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Experts say the rise of the opioid epidemic, with increasing numbers of people sharing needles to inject heroin and prescription painkillers, is driving the increase in cases.

“New hepatitis C virus infections are increasing most rapidly among young people, with the highest overall number of new infections among 20- to 29-year-olds,” said a statement from the CDC.  more here

8 Comments on Hepatitis C nearly tripled in US in 5 years

  1. Third world immigrants! Is there anything they can’t do?! Guess who gets to pay for all the medical treatment. Going to be tough to turn around the $20T if we don’t stop importing disease poverty and crime. But I think those sentiments are bigoted or something, right? Good grief

  2. We’re turning into such a low brow shitbag of a society now. There are literally millions of people in this country who are utterly useless lowlifes who serve absolutely no purpose and make everyone’s life worse by their shitty shoot-shit-in-their-arms or fuck-anything-that-moves existence.

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