Limbaugh Can’t Stop laughing After Trump Warns Comey There May Be ‘TAPES’ – IOTW Report

Limbaugh Can’t Stop laughing After Trump Warns Comey There May Be ‘TAPES’

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6 Comments on Limbaugh Can’t Stop laughing After Trump Warns Comey There May Be ‘TAPES’

  1. I can imagine Trump and his advisors laughing their heads off as they craft that message into 140 characters.

    I know Trump likes to tweet but I’m sure his advisors give him suggestions and react with glee to the left head explosions. Me, too!

    For a guy being accused of being Nixon, the tapes tweet is a classic troll that will be studied in communications 101.

  2. Tapes. Bwahahahaha!

    Comey’s a good warning to the rest of the leakers. There are consequences.

    Now he should be subpoenaed and forced to take the Fifth.
    Make him an example “to encourage the others”.


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