ICYMI: Trump Makes Video of Democrat Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Trump Makes Video of Democrat Hypocrisy

President Trump released a new video highlighting the hypocrisy of all the Democrats who are attacking him for firing FBI Director James Comey when those same Democrats also wanted him fired just a few months ago. – American Lookout

14 Comments on ICYMI: Trump Makes Video of Democrat Hypocrisy

  1. But that was then, when the democrats saw an opportunity to use Comey as the tip of the spear to jab Pres. Trump.

    Now, the democrats again are using Comey as the tip of the spear to Jab Pres. Trump for doing what they recommended.

    Political Kabuki theater.

  2. Trump Derangement Syndrome has caused all these Democrat hacks to become complete assholes.
    And the damned Democrat Media Mafia has joined in with them, being complete assholes.

  3. A very informatiive video on its own, but coming from the President’s social media feed – absolutely devasting. Democrats are not fazed by hypocrisy and the media covers for them anyway, but when the President is prepared to take direct shots at his enemies openly, I doubt most of them will be able to handle it.

    Because Bush refused to criticize progressives, these folks have had carte blanche for almost 25 years under Clinton, Bush and Obama. But now there is a President who is a street fighter and has no political baggage – because he has never been a politician – and Democrats and Rinos should be concerned. Time for Stephen Colbert to go on another childish rant to protect his political masters.

  4. What changed? The dems decided to go into full scale rebellion. We are now in a civil war where one political party is doing all it can to overthrow a legitimately elected government. The media is 100% behind them. We need to treat the dems just as we treated the British 240 years ago.

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