Video: Michelle Obama Implies Trump Is OK With Letting Kids “EAT CRAP” – IOTW Report

Video: Michelle Obama Implies Trump Is OK With Letting Kids “EAT CRAP”

AmericanLookout: Michelle Obama is angry that Trump is doing away with her awful school lunch program so she’s lashing out. It’s hardly appropriate for a former first lady to talk and act like this.

The Associated Press reports:


Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up “eating crap” instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government’s decision and “look at motives.”

“You have to stop and think, ‘Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?” Mrs. Obama said. “Why would that be political?”

“Moms, think about this. I don’t care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don’t like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap,” she said.

more  [video, and pictures of the Michelle ObamaLunch program]

Oh yeah, she must be pissed. She totally forgot to paint her “angry eyebrows” on.
By the way, the boob belt is back.

35 Comments on Video: Michelle Obama Implies Trump Is OK With Letting Kids “EAT CRAP”

  1. “Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you..”

    Michie… Repeating what was yelled at you for years is the best you have? Loser.

    You made American children suffer while you stuffed your face. Bad Wookie! BAD! Go away! You are the Marie Antoinette of today.

  2. She was NEVER an expert on good nutrition! She’s a phony crony. No class, either.

    So happy now with FLOTUS, Melania, who would never use the word “crap.”

  3. It is inappropriate for the FORMER First Lady to be speaking like this. But then she was never an appropriate First Lady.

    Her lunch program was a failure just like everything that came out of her husband’s administration Lunch programs were losing money and tossing full garbage cans of inedible food away thsnks to her program

    And don’t forget her girls were enjoying gourmet meals at their fancy schools

    These two are just narcissists who just don’t accept that they weren’t as liked as they think they were

  4. “It’s hardly appropriate for a former first lady to talk and act like this.”

    When has the Mooche ever been appropriate? Constant scowl on her face, shoveling fries and fat cakes into her pie hole every time you see her in a photo op. That bitch has wasted our taxpayer dollars on her inappropriate school lunches. Another one that should just go away, there’s a rock somewhere waiting for you Mooche!

  5. I can’t find the video where Moosehell insisted Sidwell Friends School serve her school lunch menu.
    Oh right, it never happened. She was fine with her girls missing out on the pleasures of her menu.

  6. I don’t give a damn what President Trump cares about what kids eat, if you cannot feed your own kids properly, maybe you shouldn’t have the crotch fruit.
    Funny how the same assholes who want politicians out of their vagina, will turn their kids over to just those people to raise.

  7. In that same appearance, she was thoroughly bitching about schools ditching her “let’s moo” program.
    Her fat ass sat there, with straight face, and said the Trump admin was trying to let kids get fat. Trump gave schools the option to do what they wanted to do and they wanted no part of Big Mike. And she can’t deal with it.

  8. She’s been a grafter her whole life and the last eight years have been gold for her and she now needs to lever that eight years into some new scam because what she got for a book advance won’t nearly be enough to keep her in the style of living that she’s become used to. I’ll bet she’s setting this up to be either a 1% hustle or a standard race card flip wherein she can start getting those speaking engagements again only for major bucks acting as a bulwark against Trump and conservatives who want to limit government handouts. If she can raise her profile high enough the Democrats will begin to give her serious support. All this depends on her body not breaking on her by becoming fat and flabby regardless of what she does and her latest photos shows that the little pone is putting on some pounds.

  9. Mooch aka Sassie may not be aware that human children need different nutritional requirements than children of her species, the Sasquatch. Foraged road kill is just not an acceptable diet for humans.
    BTW, Looks like she’s back to culturally appropriating Caucasians again with that haphazard wig.

  10. First step to the goal of telling them what to think is telling them what to wear (school uniforms) how to speak (Politically correctly) and finally, feeding them unappealing “healthy food” that keeps them weak & compliant.

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