“Victims of circumstance” / DREAMer narrative gets old – IOTW Report

“Victims of circumstance” / DREAMer narrative gets old

AmericanThinker: Most news accounts on the Jessica Colotl case, that of a DREAMer activist whose DACA status was revoked for having an arrest record, and is being sent back home to Puebla, Mexico, carefully outline the typical narrative in such cases.  They’re all honor students.  They’re all achievers.  They’re all children forced to come to the U.S. through no fault of their own, via their parents, who brought them here illegally.  They’re all victims of circumstance and “unwitting” political activists.  They’re all wonderful citizens in all but name only, save for that one little lack of papers.  They’re all entitled.

There’s never any dimension to the narrative – which is why Colotl’s case is being painted as an outrage in lower-quality news reporting outfits, such as Fox News, and with a bit more disguised objectivity in the likes of the New York Times.  Breitbart may be an exception, but it often leaves questions unasked.

For example, what’s wrong with life in Mexico after getting a full ride from the gringos in education?  Why is being sent back to Mexico always depicted as the pit of hell when a deportation is the issue, but at any other time, it’s a fairly well heeled third-world country, where most people live pretty well?  MORE

11 Comments on “Victims of circumstance” / DREAMer narrative gets old

  1. I have Zero compassion for these “Dreamer” parasite/invaders/saboteurs.
    You’re in MY country, stealing MY taxes and resources which rightfully belong to MY fellow Americans.
    We have plenty of our own Americans who need and deserve assistance–elderly, ill, disabled. There isn’t enough Pie available for half of Mexico to demand a free slice.

    So get out. Go home. Now.
    Before America stops playing nice.
    Because failed invasions can get very ugly.

  2. I have zero compassion for any Mexican.

    Go fix you own g’dam country and quit trying to fuck ours up.

    You lost the war…get over it.

    That may be harsh, but dammit I am sick of greasy cockroches.

  3. I give children dragged over by their parents a pass on the trespass thing.
    It is also unfair to treat them the same way as their parents.
    They didn’t ask for this, and they were raised here.
    Their ‘Homeland’ is a foreign country.
    Their presence is a product of circumstance, however their conduct is not.
    They should be granted ‘legal’ status in as much as they can work and pay taxes, and accept legal responsibility and sponsor illegal family members.
    Other than that, put your shoulder to the wheel, Jose, no special treatment.

  4. @Lazlo ~ sorry, their circumstances are the consequences of their parent’s actions … yes, life’s a bitch … but they are not ‘victims’ … if anything, they are victims of their parents lawlessness
    no one is a citizen that is born from Illegal parents, no matter where the geography of their birth … simple logic
    Illegal is Illegal …. why is this so hard to understand?

  5. Anyone of the opinion Dreamers should be given a pass because they were brought here ILLEGALLY by their ILLEGAL parents, should consider the following:
    How many US born children (and I don’t include anchor babies), were deprived of a quality education due to over crowded classrooms and resources required to hire spanish speaking teachers (some school districts have as many as 97 different languages they must accommodate).
    How many US kids of college age were passed over because slots had to be filled with “diversity” quotient students, no matter their citizenship status?
    How many kids were subjected to mysterious illnesses once eradicated in our country (some resulting in deaths) and/or lessor health insurance coverage due to federal requirements that ALL peoples must be treated regardless of citizenship status?
    How many elderly were deprived of better health care due to over crowded ER’s used by every illegal and their 13 cousins clogging up the waiting room?
    How many US citizens were deprived of faster police response in their communities due to resources reallocated to cover crimes committed by “those hiding in the shadows”?
    Must I go on?

    Nope. The “dreamers” have benefitted mightily for far too long at the expense of our own citizens, many of whom are black, as well as white children in poverty stricken areas.
    It’s time they show their gratitude for the generosity of Americans, oftentimes at the expense of OUR children, return to their “Homeland” and build a better future for their next generation.
    As far as sponsoring illegal family members, hell, let’s just forget the whole Trump 2016 election thingy, grant the millions here illegally full on amnesty and continue with anchor baby chain migration. Oh, and don’t forget the refugees too!

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