VA Hospital Serves RAW Food to Vets – IOTW Report

VA Hospital Serves RAW Food to Vets


Astounding. This is a hospital where patients will already likely have compromised immune systems and then to be fed raw chicken which carries bacterial and other pathogens? I’m not seeing any major change coming from Director Shulkin when reforming the VA was a major focus of the Trump campaign. This situation simply highlights how this horrible situation isn’t just about wait times, but a system that has abandoned our vets.

Via the Daily Caller.

A suburban Chicago Veterans Affairs hospital is serving raw, uncooked, and expired food while the head of the nutrition department sells handbags on government time.

Photos acquired exclusively by The Daily Caller show food at the Hines VA Medical Center is often served raw, routinely served after its expired, and the conditions are often unsanitary, including a mouse being found in the kitchen and a hole in the ceiling.

An employee at the Hines VA, who asked to remain anonymous, said these issues have been going on for approximately a year.


12 Comments on VA Hospital Serves RAW Food to Vets

  1. It’s not too early to say this; if Trump doesn’t get the atrocities at the VA fixed, he can kiss my vote goodbye in 2020. I expect people to not only lose their jobs for this, I expect them to go to jail.

  2. Hospital food is bland, tasteless, and generally sucks. But I simply don’t believe this “raw chicken being served.” I say bullshit. An anonymous employee with a camera ? I’m skeptical.

  3. Anonymous, he will get it done.
    He works 18 hours a day.
    If it takes some time it’s because he’s a builder, and knows things must get done in sequence.
    Have faith.

  4. I’m not willing to put deadlines of one term for Trump to clean up many decades of DESPICABLE VA ‘institutional’ behavior.
    But ANY bureaucrat in the entire VA making 6 figures would be FIRED immediately and reinstated only after proof and corroboration that they are productive, if I were involved. Prosecution of criminal corruption would very active. For starters.

  5. Anonymous at 10:47,

    If you’re so worried about which of the various Anonymi makes what anonymous comment, get a phuckin name and use it. Simple enough?

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