North Dakota: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall – IOTW Report

North Dakota: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall

Howie Carr: A man got physical with Republican North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer at a town hall meeting Thursday before being escorted out by police.

The man was yelling at Rep. Cramer, “Will the rich benefit from, if the health care is destroyed, do the rich get a tax break? Yes or no?” He then shoved cash into the congressman’s collar, saying, “There you go, take it.”

Cramer responded, “That’s too far,” and police escorted the man from the meeting. Another man was escorted out after he stepped in and blocked the man yelling as he was angrily approaching the congressman.

CNN anchor Poppy Harlow described the scene as, “This man showing his disgust with the Congressman’s support of tax cuts for the wealthy, one part of the GOP plan right now.”

This is the latest in an escalating series of town hall meetings with Republican congressmen across the country that have seen liberal activists scaring citizens and shouting down elected officials over proposed changes to Democrats’ struggling health care law.


14 Comments on North Dakota: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall

  1. The GOP really needs to start fighting back physically against shit like this. That motherfucker should’ve got a place to his fucking armpit the second he went for his throat like that. Try being a progtard fascist tough guy while bleeding out through your brachial artery while in screaming pain, motherfucker.

  2. I want to know if the man who assaulted the Congressman was actually charged with assault? It’s a criminal offense and would fuck the guy up for the rest of his life unless the Governor granted him a pardon. The congress critters need to press charges on things like this because the left has to be shown there are consequences for actions. For example if this guy, a few years down the road, planned a great fishing trip to Canada he’d find out at the border that he was inadmissible with a felony assault conviction on his record. Stuff like this would follow him around forever and as word got out that the GOP wasn’t playing nice guy anymore there would be fewer and fewer of these agitators willing to play patsy for the DNC.

  3. Page O Turner
    Totally disagree. Town Hall meetings are one of the few chances for elected officials to directly interact with their constituents. This clown, like most of them was probably a paid agitator from the BoRock School of “How To Be A Pain In The Ass”. We need to get the deplorables out in numbers to these events and shut these asshats down.

  4. PS.
    If the assigned security details are too stupid, or don’t have the desire, to protect conservative elected officials then stay home, we’ll do it.

  5. Who’s getting rich off of healthcare? If Obamacare was so great for insurance companies they wouldn’t all be bailing on it and if employers wanted it they would stop seeking exemptions from it and demand full implementation. Are hospitals making money off of Obamacare? Do doctors benefit? I don’t see them all clamoring to keep it going.

    I’d like to know who the guy thinks is getting rich off of Obamacare.

  6. Ever notice how the same people who can’t understand the concept of “unsustainable” also don’t understand what “Shall not be infringed ” means either?

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