School administrator resigns after profanity-laced tirade against teen pro-life protestors – IOTW Report

School administrator resigns after profanity-laced tirade against teen pro-life protestors

[Zach ‘Twice as sunny” Ruff]

He’s the guy who got snippy when 2 pro-life students came to protest outside of Downingtown STEM Academy. And then he snapped like a twig when they mentioned Jesus.

“Listen here son, alright, I’m as gay as the day is long and twice as sunny,” Ruff said.

“I don’t give a f**k you think Jesus tells me and what I should or should not be doing.”

“Just because you choose to believe a book of fiction, doesn’t mean I have to,” he said. “You and Trump can go to hell.”

Oh yeah, total ray of sunshine.

Story here

29 Comments on School administrator resigns after profanity-laced tirade against teen pro-life protestors

  1. good … now he can go hold hands w/ ‘Joss’ & jump off a bridge
    … do it Zach … just to piss us off

    seriously … we’re really gonna miss you … really!

  2. He hits like 95 on the Lefty scale:
    – Teacher
    – Gay
    – Intolerant
    – Anti-Christian
    – Thinks Hillary would’ve been a great president
    – Thinks Obama belongs on Mt. Rushmore
    – I bet he drives a Prius and doesn’t pay his taxes
    – etc, etc

  3. reboot,
    Sorry. Breath deep and sing along with “You don’t half to call me darlen, darlen, but you never call me by my name”.

    I need to go dig all my old Coe stuff up. Except I think my kids took them.

  4. how many young men’s lives has this molester been allowed to ruin in the name of political correctness ?

    gay teacher, yeah, teacher of what, immorality ?

    if you love your children you would homeschool them.

  5. It is improper for a school administrator of any stripe to discuss his, her or its sexual proclivities in front of students.

    “Listen here, son. I am as gay as the day is long. I don’t give a (expletive) what Jesus tells me about what I should and should not be doing.”

  6. School boards will soon discover, the hard way, that allowing Gays to infiltrate-and-dominate the teaching ranks was as big a disaster as the Catholic Church allowing homosexuals to infiltrate-and-dominate the Priesthood.
    Emotionally disturbed Pedo’s.
    The molested-student lawsuit mega-$$$ payouts have only just begun.

    This creep is every Plaintiffs Attorney’s dream. Fat, ugly, pompous, foul mouthed, unsympathetic. And so easily rattled under pressure, even when he knows he’s being filmed.

  7. Evil people like him is one reason so few folks have any respect for teachers. These kinds of people go into education because they’re well paid, can’t be fired, know they’re going to be around like minded people, and compared to the real world, don’t really have to work. Gonna be fun watching him go into the real world to find a job that pays more than minimum wage with no benefits.

  8. More proof being “gay” is a mental and spiritual disorder. This deviant and others like him have no business teaching children. Those brave kids did a great job standing thier ground against a demon possessed psycho.

  9. at 3:42, the leftist Socialist asshole actually gives the national Socialist Salute. Despicable!

    I’m glad this is one Shoobie out of a fuckin’ job.

    Unfortunately, you can damn well bet the local school district will be sending a Child Services SWAT Team to check out these kids’ parents and their home-schooling.

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