Rand Paul: Another Senator Was Surveilled by Obama – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: Another Senator Was Surveilled by Obama

“So when this all comes out, if there are political figures from the opposition party, it’s a story bigger than any of the allegations with regard to Russian collusion”

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4 Comments on Rand Paul: Another Senator Was Surveilled by Obama

  1. Non-story unless anthropologists uncover a Republican bearing testicles.
    Exhaustive searches over the last two unfrickingbelievable Preznitduncial terms found none.

  2. “russian collusion”

    it wasn’t trump it was hillary that was colluding with russia.

    if we had equality under the law obama, hillary and all their minions would be in jail or facing indictments already as well as half of congress.

    equality comes from citizens willing to use the second amendment when tyranny rises.

  3. In Other News…

    ‘One Note’ Joe and Mikas Mourning Band-Aids.
    A writers strike was averted when Mourning Joe, Bloomberg, Axios and SNL reached an agreement to reuse the same old script for the 133rd time.

    Branding expert executive Donny “The Douche” Deutsch said new scripts are being considered from Bloomberg and The Circus however there may be delays while WannaCry Worms infect their internal networks. Sony executives were unavailable for comment.

    Unscripted airtime will be filled with Soccer Scores from Europe.
    Nil-Nil. Nil-Nil. Nil-Nil. Nil-Nil.

  4. Marxists with surveillance powers Stalin and Adolph could only dream about. Of course they used them.

    Next come the disappearances and ditches filled with genocide.

    Gear up.

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