Todd Rundgren: ‘If You’re a Trump Supporter, Don’t Come to My Show’ – IOTW Report

Todd Rundgren: ‘If You’re a Trump Supporter, Don’t Come to My Show’

Update: I’m hijacking and bumping this thread to remind everyone of a Rundgren hit song. ‘Nuff said.

– bfh

“Bang The Drum All Day”

I don’t want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don’t want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day

Ever since I was a tiny boy
I don’t want no candy
I don’t need no toy
I took a stick and an old coffee can
I bang on that thing til I got
Blisters on my hand because

When I get older they think I’m a fool
The teacher told me I should stay after school
She caught me pounding on the desk with my hands
But my licks was so hot
I made the teacher wanna dance
And that’s why

I don’t want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
Hey, why not?
I don’t want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day

Every day when I get home from work
I feel so frustrated
The boss is a jerk
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed
And I pound on that drum like it was the boss’s head

I don’t want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don’t want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day
I can bang that drum


Wow. He’s still alive?  I had no idea.

Breitbart: Todd Rundgren isn’t bothered that some of his fans might avoid his concerts due to his politics.

The 68-year-old musician and record producer conceded as much in an interview with Variety when asked about an incident in which a couple walked out of a concert in Los Angeles due to comments he made about President Donald Trump.

“No,” Rundgren said when asked if it bothered him. “If I had the power, I’d say: If you’re a Trump supporter, don’t come to my show, because you won’t have a good time. And also, I don’t understand your frickin’ values. Because I’m not singing about that. If you don’t understand that basic thing, you’re just fooling yourself.”

The “Hello It’s Me” singer was talking to the magazine to promote his latest album, White Knight, which is filled with collaborations with artists such as Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor and Joe Walsh.  more here

Image- Getty.

70 Comments on Todd Rundgren: ‘If You’re a Trump Supporter, Don’t Come to My Show’

  1. This happens a lot when an old act tries for a comeback. They figure if they make some outrageous political statement they’ll attract more attention to their show and maybe sell some tickets or comeback albums. This is no different and kind of sad really.

  2. No loss for me. Never really cared for his music, even in the early days of ‘the nazz’ at the electric factory in Phila.
    I’ll clue my friends in on how this guy thinks.
    He’s just trying to stir up attention and ticket sales.

  3. I never went to his show before, why would I start now? Besides, he doesn’t play bluegrass which is soul music for white folks and therefore is unworthy of my attentions. Get back to me when Todd can fucking flatpick like Tony Rice.

  4. Alienating the majority of americans is always a smart career move Todd. It probably explains why you had such a meteoric rise to fame, and why most have to ask….who?

  5. Another tired old unhinged angry burnout angry leftist, ‘down with the struggle,’ who thinks it’s 1968. Hates the system that made him a zillionaire and wants to burn it down b/c of peer pressure and b/c he wants to be part of the Kool Kidz Klub. Grow a set and like an adult male, Mr. R, your music isn’t that great by the way and you’re not as important as you think you are. Twit

  6. It’s kismet!

    He doesn’t like half the country and that same half doesn’t like him.

    If he had any integrity, he would have refunded their money. Notice he didn’t bring that part up. So he’s a thief, too.

  7. I thought Ted Nugent killed him in a bow hunting accident. Oh well…..

    Hey Todd, what do you call five rabbits walking backwards?
    A receding hare (hair) line.

    I’m two years older but still have all my hair, and then some.

  8. The one hit wonder can go screw himself with a splintering wooden dildo. He’d probably like. Anyway I wouldn’t have paid to see this idiot even if I didn’t know he was a liberal lunatic.

  9. Well, I enjoyed Todd “the Runt’s” music. Sorry he feels that way.
    Another rich maggot who doesn’t understand what it means to earn (I mean, actually have to do actual work) a living.
    I guess the world looks different when you’re surrounded by sycophants and lickspittles who will suck your cock and give you foot massages in exchange for the crumbs that fall off your table.
    Good for you, Todd. Enjoy it till the end.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I took my wife and her mother to see him last year. Wow, talk about boring and preachy. He’s desperately trying to be relevant. His new stuff is just awful and full of all the tired leftist cliches from the last 26 years. I’m not coming to your shows because you suck, Todd. And GFY.

  11. One hit wonder HAS to collaborate with better artists – has-been’s like him should have some gratitude that anyone remembers, but he’s an arrogant libtard jerk, so….

  12. Fascism is rampant in the music biz. You toe the leftist line or you don’t work. The artists turn into savants that make pretty sounds out of twisted lyrics for their mesmerized minions, but lack the ability to relate to reality. I can still admire their past artistry, but I won’t support them financially.

  13. I’m gonna break from the herd a bit here.

    I’ve enjoyed some of his music, and he produced a great album for XTC.


    I won’t be going to his shows. He did have the decency to let people know that he plans on spending part of the show denigrating a part of his potential audience. This is slightly better than insulting someone after you’ve banked their ticket money.

    Turn yourself around, Todd.

  14. No idea who this brain dead liberal is. But pissin off more than half your potential audience and sucking up to the losing side is not a formula for success. Ask the NYTs, Newsweek, Target, Kellogs, The Dixie Chicks, Disney…

  15. We used to go and see a lot of live music during the Bush years and it always pissed me off when an artist I’d spent a lot of money to see spent their first 5-10 minutes going off on Bush. Rush even made a South Park short movie to dump on him in the beginning of their show. If I had known I would have saved my money and spared myself being held captive to that ranting. Very sort sighted but pretty much expected by these liberals that suffer derangement anytime their guy isn’t in office.

  16. I just Googled the Venn Diagram that shows the intersection of Trump Voters and people who pay more than a buck and a half to listen to Todd Rundgren sing “Hello, It’s Me”

    Unfortunately, I dont own an electron microscope so I couldn’t make it out

  17. “Money for nuthin, and yer chicks for free”. Different band, same era. I liked his Two Big Albums. He was 27 then…40 freaking years ago.

    Ironically he’d get much more Forgotten Comeback Tour Free PR if he were to come out and SUPPORT Trump.
    Guess Rundgren pays for advice from the same pollsters as Springsteen.

    Who’s next, Rupert Holmes announcing Pina Coladas are causing Global Warming?

  18. This sounds a lot like the fashion designer(s) who refuse to “dress” First Lady, Melania. LOL! They were never asked to in the first place. Yeah, like I was really thinking about going to a Todd show! Now I’m so incredibly disappointed and feel so bad that he doesn’t like me! Whaaaa! Sure. Too funny. Glad to know, though, that if someone gave me free tickets to his show, I’d know to throw them in the recycle bin.

  19. Is this the same guy that was cuckolded by Steven Tyler? Liv Tyler’s REAL dad. I remember his band Uptopia and ONE song…”the Last of the New Wave Riders”. Although the “Bang the Drum” song got some airplay, but mostly as filler from the 40 DJs.

  20. Is this the same guy that was cuckolded by Steven Tyler? Liv Tyler’s REAL dad. I remember his band Uptopia and ONE song…”the Last of the New Wave Riders”. Although the “Bang the Drum” song got some airplay, but mostly as filler from Pop 40 DJs.

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