UK Child Rape Victim: ‘Authorities Did Nothing’, Was Told Not to Mention Ethnicity of Attackers – IOTW Report

UK Child Rape Victim: ‘Authorities Did Nothing’, Was Told Not to Mention Ethnicity of Attackers

Breitbart London: A survivor of a Muslim grooming gang in Rotherham said she reported being raped when she was 13 years old, but authorities did nothing and told her not to mention the ethnicity of the attackers.

The rape survivor, Emma, told Katie Hopkins on LBC radio on Sunday: “I actually reported my abuse 14 years ago. I went to the authorities, my parents did. I sat and gave video interviews with the police, I was willing to work with them.

“But as soon as I said the names, I was made to feel as though I was racist and I was the one who had the problem.”

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7 Comments on UK Child Rape Victim: ‘Authorities Did Nothing’, Was Told Not to Mention Ethnicity of Attackers

  1. Muslims are gonna be muslims. The real anger here should be towards the chickenshit European and US political class who, for some mindnumbingly fucked up reason, has decided to feed their own race to the wolves.

  2. A couple of comments. If this is true then the police and social workers on the original case have to be investigated by an impartial party (maybe reach out to Australia, Canada or the US for a team) and if there is enough evidence charge them with hindering a police investigation, threatening and anything else you can find. Probably won’t happen though.

    The second thing is agree to Scotland (and Wales if they want) demands to holding another referendum and have England stay out of it. Let them separate because the moment they say yes all the Scottish Lords in the House of Lords and MP’s in the House of Commons are out. If that happens then England is a conservative (real conservative) almost overnight. The muzzie’s will flee to Scotland and the hugely generous social safety net there along with the PC attitude. Meanwhile back in England real Conservative MP’s will begin looking at deportations while the government starts to appoint conservative thinking people to their version of the Supreme Court. Actually, all they need to do is appoint people that would uphold the law not strive to make new law or create new rights where none exist.

  3. Occasionally I visit a forum that is frequented/infested by leftists. One of them is in England. Several of us keep reporting items like this to make the point that within 20 years much of Europe will be Islamic. Before Brexit, we were saying the UK was a sure bet but now, who knows.

    Anyway, the Leftist I mentioned keeps calling us tinfoil cranks for pointing out news pieces like this. I am convinced that he and many others are deliberate disinfo agents working for who knows who. No honest citizen of any country that’s undergoing this invasion, even if they don’t want to face the truth, can be as consistently obtuse and literally stupid as this person and others are. It has to be deliberate. They are there so often (one of them is posting around the clock) that I suspect they are paid.

  4. It’s actually starting to feel biblical. The political elite sadducees and state authority pharisees all over the western world have hardened their hearts to embrace and actively support the islamic conquest of their own lands, while people like Tommy Robinson are being persecuted like Old Testament prophets.

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