Reason #1051 for Climate Change: Not Enough Killing – IOTW Report

Reason #1051 for Climate Change: Not Enough Killing

From Diogenes’MiddleFinger:

DT – If you are one of those “climate deniers” who thinks the science isn’t settled on man-made global warming, perhaps your love of killing babies will flip you on the issue. Radical feminist Gloria Steinem has identified the cause of global warming and it’s because we haven’t been killing enough unborn children for the past 500 years.

It’s always fun when liberals combine their awfulness with their bullshit into a unified clusterf*ck theory. Refinery29 did an interview with the she-woman man-hater and it was as crazy as you would expect. Early on, she compared Ivanka Trump to Hitler because the First Daughter supports family leave, which I thought was a feminist issue, but whatever.

The real crazy comes when the topic turns to global warming:  MORE

19 Comments on Reason #1051 for Climate Change: Not Enough Killing

  1. Eventually, the making of habitats for large groups of people living long term in Outer Space will be all but commonplace.
    Giant cylinders, spinning to generate gravity. Self contained ecosystems, decked out however you want.
    Then the Lesbian Man Haters Club can have their own habitat, and they can all pile into it and go find a nice orbit out past Neptune.

  2. I’m not normally one of those who would pony up the dough for a pay-per-view sports extravaganza but I think a cage match between Steinem and Fonda using trashcan lids and bats studded with nails (Escape from New York style) would be worth the price. Hammer them up with crystal meth and make sure they know that “two go in, one comes out” is the only rule then let them have at it. Hell, the pre-match’s could be fun as well with bouts like Soros vs Clinton (Bill Clinton as we should be fair to George), Hillary Clinton vs Lez Warren etc. Michelle Obama vs a Grizzly Bear (to keep things even, Michelle has one arm tied behind her back). Now that would make enough money for Trump to build the wall and allow a modest tax cut.

  3. They make absolutely no sense. So climate change is due to births/population and yet they want to import hundreds of thousands of Muslims into western society. Muslims living with comfortable western welfare and healthcare are going to breed like cockroaches. Do they have a chart available to follow their logic?

  4. Wanna see Global Warming turned on its ass? Have the gummit fund opposition research. Not a dime for Global Warming research. Penn, Harvard, MIT, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford, they’ll all publish massive articles refuting the global warming scam.

  5. If global warming/climate change is settled science, why is there any more need for research into it? The work is done, the research is finished. Good job, go to something else and cut off their funds.

  6. what causes climate deprivation is population

    Nope. The BRIEF calm in climate permits life as we know it. Earth couldn’t always provide a decent climate for life and there will be a time in the future where it will no longer provide an adequate climate. That’s called a reversion to the norm. What I’m saying is that life is an anomaly. Enjoy the BRIEF history of it instead of being a bitter hag.

  7. climate changes. It always has. Human effects on CO2 levels may have some tiny and nearly imperceptible effect. Some effects may be favorable. No big hurricanes have hit the US for nearly a decade eg but the true believers do not trade in facts, it is pure dogma and brainwashing of those morons. Plants, forests, grasslands, and all ecosystems love CO2. Increasing CO2 probably easily a net benefit. Move on to something that matters you stupid idiots.

  8. Well, Steinem forgot to give credit to those brave men who did their best to counter the unnecessary babies women have been forced to bear over the past 500 years. Forward thinking leaders like Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin – not to mention the countless African tin pot dictators with silly uniforms who intentionally starved their citizens to death. These forward thinking progressives certainly did their part to curb the population.

    Also, Steinem probably assigns a special place in hell for those lunatics who fought against disease and epidemnic. Pasteur and Salk are probably in the seventh or eighth circles of hell, and the socially progressive roles of the black death, smallpox and the Spanish flu are ignored. Rachael Carson, who started the anti-DDT movement which some estimate is responsible for an additional 50 million deaths due to malaria, probably deserves a statue though, and perhaps we missed a recent opportunity by containing the ebola virus.

  9. Thus we get to the crux of “progressive thought.”
    Nihilism at its most virulent.

    No humanity – No Globaloney Warming.

    If the temperature rises and no one exists to measure it, is Globaloney Warming real?

    These people hate God and are angry that they cannot BE God – thus their desire to destroy every manifestation of God – beginning with the most innocent.

    Or perhaps their discovery of morality and ethics, through the deductive study of the nature of man, has brought them to the conclusion that all mankind must be destroyed for the greater good of mankind … or something …

    izlamo delenda est …

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