EU Cartoon: ‘Fairy Godmother’ Brings Migrants to Europe on a Flying Carpet – IOTW Report

EU Cartoon: ‘Fairy Godmother’ Brings Migrants to Europe on a Flying Carpet

The real problem the EU has isn’t the fake refugees but the common sense Eastern Euros who want no part of them. Thats’ why they created the hipster doofus, open borders EU fairy to set those knuckle-dragging Eastern Europeans straight.

Européens Sans Frontières

Breitbart: A Européens Sans Frontières (Europeans Without Borders) video sponsored by the European Commission depicts the EU as a fairy godmother bringing migrants to Western Europe after ‘racist’ Eastern Europeans refuse to welcome them.

The short film, titled Eurodame, Help!, was funded in part by the European Commission, the French government, and third-party groups such as the Fondation Hippocrène.

Fondation Hippocrène is a non-profit organisation which has funded a number of projects alongside George Soros‘s Open Society Foundations network and says its mission is to “promote the construction of genuine European citizenship” by targeting young people.

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12 Comments on EU Cartoon: ‘Fairy Godmother’ Brings Migrants to Europe on a Flying Carpet

  1. They missed the end where the ‘migrant’ brought out a big machete and screamed Allah Akbar and started stabbing the family. But after all this is a fairy tale.

  2. If God willing I am still around in later years, will need to spend some time in E Europe. I have been to Hungary, whoa, some very not unattractive ladies there fluent in multiple languages and who have not been feminized and don’t subscribe to the SJW crap. US men esp those from places like Seattle or DC who visit may never return. and if you’ve saved up a few $$ you probably look like Donald Trump to them. OK… enough dreaming back to the salt mine.

  3. I would advise all the Euro-Moonbats to go live where these “migrants” come from so they can better understand what they want to turn their new homes into.

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