Marvel cancels anti-police Black Lives Matter comic due to poor sales – IOTW Report

Marvel cancels anti-police Black Lives Matter comic due to poor sales

CFP: Aspiring racist comic book writer and McArthur genius grant recipient Ta-Nehisi Coates’ latest bid for comic book social justice sold so badly that even Marvel couldn’t justify keeping it afloat. And Marvel will keep anything social justice afloat. Maybe Coates needed more Muslims.

Black Panther & The Crew focuses on the title character who is joined by other black superheros like Storm, Luke Cage and Manifold. Set in Harlem, the superheros try to fight police brutality in a city dominated by robotic cops. The gang also looks into the death of a character named Ezra Keith, a civil rights activists who died in police custody.

This exciting premise, strangely enough, didn’t sell well. There are plenty of black people who buy comics. But Coates’ market has never been black people. It’s white lefties and apparently they don’t buy enough comics. Or maybe Coates’ turgid prose is even worse in comic form.  more here

11 Comments on Marvel cancels anti-police Black Lives Matter comic due to poor sales

  1. …how DARE they drag Storm and Luke Cage, to legitimately great characters, into this bullsh-t. I’m glad it failed. This is just as horrid sounding as when they made Iron Man into a little black girl. > > [I kid you not.]

  2. I think it would be interesting to see BFH critique the quality of both Ardian Syaf and Ta-Nehisi Coates work. We can all mock their ideas, but one comic artist giving an educated opinion of their talent would carry more weight.

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