Gowdy takes himself out of running for FBI spot – IOTW Report

Gowdy takes himself out of running for FBI spot

WaEx: Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., says he’s taking himself out of the picture in President Trump’s search for a new FBI director.

Gowdy announced his intention in a Monday release, saying he shared with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, “my firm conviction that I would not be the right person,” to lead the bureau. He had met with Sessions twice in the last three days.

The fourth-term congressman is known for his prosecutorial style when questioning witnesses before the panels such as the House Intelligence Committee, on which Gowdy currently serves.  see more

16 Comments on Gowdy takes himself out of running for FBI spot

  1. OT

    Some points for the day.

    1. POTUS is the Final Authority on classification.
    Not CIA, NSA, FBI
    They work FOR POTUS, not with POTUS

    2. The Senate or House or Judicial have ZERO say
    on classification levels.

    3. If a government agency employee is directed
    to take an action they do not agree with, resign.

  2. Gowdy makes for compelling Perry Mason type questioning but he always stops short of asking the question that exposes the guilt of the perps.

    His “investigation” of Benghazi got nowhere. It didn’t tell us what Obama and Hillary were doing during the 13 hours that dozens of Americans were being attacked and 4 killed. It didn’t reveal who created and who signed off on the video cover up story. It didn’t exonerate the guy they threw in jail for the video.

    Same story with Hillary’s email server and the illegal unmasking.

    As FBI director, he’d guard the swamp as loyally as Comey did.

  3. Gowdy plays his assigned role for the Uniparty. He’s the Central Casting “honest detective” whose toughtalking masks that he’s an integral part of the agreed upon cover up.
    Gowdy is there to make sure that ” the investigation ” never leads to the top.

    Not surprisingly, he genuinely relishes the publicity and the applause.

    Lots of longtime rumors in DC about Gowdy’s personal life. He’s no threat to the Uniparty-they own him.

  4. I hope they choose a total democrat lackey and anti-gunner. You know, someone Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi could be proud of.

    Some of you make me laugh. Ask yourself this, “what did James Comey accomplish before he got promoted to the FBI director”? Look at the damage that was caused to the reputation of the FBI because of Comey.

    Do most of you really think Gowdy wouldn’t go after Hillary 100% and make it stick? The dude was a successful criminal investigator in his past.

    I LIKE Gowdy’s prosecutorial style. I LIKE the way he makes these usurpers and thieves nervous when they are called to testify. But that’s not good enough, I guess because too many people in here suggest he hasn’t accomplished anything.

    Do you really want John Cornyn or Merrick Garland in the FBI slot? Why drain the swamp by refilling the swamp with more retched refuse than before?

    Maybe Trump is trying to sabotage himself?

    Maybe we deserve a police state that’s totally controlled by the powers that be (the deep state).

    I know what we can do, let’s put Kushner and his fucking left-wing global warming wife Ivanka in charge.

    We need to quit trying to promote ‘moderation’ and begin laying the foundation to start kicking criminal ass. That includes within Washington DC.

  5. Now they have McMaster telling the press that Trump wants to promote harmony between all the worlds great religions – including Islam.

    If that’s true, Trump clearly doesn’t fucking get it when it comes to Islam, which explains why he’s promoting compromise and a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian scum.

  6. Since most of us are not a part of national security briefings or strategy discussions all we can do is speculate and jump to conclusions. I’m fine with that, I can speculate and jump to conclusions with the best of them. It’s possible the statement of promoting harmony between all the worlds religions is being made because of the court review of his travel ban. I’m glad Gowdy took himself out of the running (he probably was not being seriously considered), I thought I liked him, but what has he accomplished?

  7. Let me go out on a limb here and say that appointing a special prosecutor might not be a bad idea….so long as it’s the right person, and their Charter includes the Clintoon Crime Family Foundation and her thighness’ pay for play office go round in Foggy Bottom along with the bogus Trump collusion bullshit, which it is nothing more than.
    How hard would Upchuck squeal if those matters were also within the prosecutorial purview?

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