I got a case of the Schlitz – IOTW Report

I got a case of the Schlitz

I don’t know how it happened because I don’t drink, but I got into a conversation with someone about the cheapest, and perhaps nastiest, beers in existence. Well, in America, anyway. So I thought I’d get allayall’s opinions, too.


Do you drink cheap beer? Which cheap beers do you consider tasty or at least palatable?

There’s a guy at WhiskeyRiff.com who loves cheap beer and has bothered to rank them. See if you agree:

I love a good, cheap beer. The marathon beers. The beer that slowly gets you drunk, but keeps you going. The beer that won’t break the bank, and that’s perfect for summer, games, and your crap palate.

I’ve ranked the following 12 cheap beers. Cheap as in cheaper than Bud, Miller, Coors – level down. So, let the debate begin.


87 Comments on I got a case of the Schlitz

  1. My Dad drank Schlitz, and only Schlitz.

    Use to buy cases of Red White and Blue in
    the 80’s in Nebraska for five bux a case! Cheapest
    damn drunk you could get for beer.

  2. I like quite a few cheaper brands but usually drink PBR. Over the past few months I’ve had PBR, Miller High Life, Stag, Genesee Cream Ale (I wish it was available where I live… very good), Milwaukee’s Best, and I think an Old Mil. I stay away from Bud and Bud Light. They give me headaches. When I was in College, my cheap staple was Schaefer’s.

  3. If there’s one Makes You Stupid Fast cheap beer, it’s MeisterBrau.

    I remember in rural Alabama there were State Run Monopoly liquor stores. Called “ABC Stores” and the signage was just a giant red circle. So children did not have to see the word “Liquor” on a store sign and ask questions.
    They sold a $1.69/six pack house brand beer called “ABC”. With that red circle on each can. Tasted like it was brewed from leftover corn syrup. Worst aftertaste ever.

  4. Remind me never to go drinking with Joe6Pak, unless we bring his dog, LOL.

    Even Steven, unfortunately I’m an accomplished drinker and it takes a lot to give me a hang over, but one Bud will do the trick. I’ve read they put formaldehyde in that shit. I beleive them.

  5. I like cheap beer, I like expensive craft beer.
    Jax Beer, no longer made.
    Olympia, bought out.
    Hamm’s, bought out
    Nasty, all three.
    Only one big American Beer left, Yuengling, and craft beers.
    The others are all European, when the Caliphate takes over it will make prohibition seem like a tea party.

  6. Was never a beer drinker…just didn’t like the taste.

    However, i could drink gin like water. Damn near killed me. I’m better, but still ‘wounded’.

    There’s a couple of guys at IOTW that help save my life. May god bless them.

  7. Diogenes,
    I’ve evolved into a total beer snob. Best beer I’ve ever had, and pretty much the only one I’ll drink is Einstok Toasted Porter. Check it out. Hard to find though.

  8. I had a friend who ran a beer distributor in Pa. he said the worst beer was Stonies or
    Fort Pitt beer.
    I don’t drink so I’ll have to take his word for it.

  9. I like Porter, I’m going to look for it. When we go to Vegas we need to go to the Haufbrau House. Outstanding German beer and one of the best times I’ve had in a bar. One time we were there and went for lunch, we ended up having dinner there too. Maybe MJA would join us.

  10. WORST beer ever, for me at least, was Simon Pure from Buffalo, NY. Nasty, nasty nasty – so green it should have looked green. I agree with Even Steven that Genesee was good and remember when I could buy a quart for 25 cents. That may be part of the reason why I’m having trouble remembering a lot of other stuff these days. Anyway – Utica Club, not a really cheap beer, was pretty good I thought. Anyone here remember that one? I also think I remember that Blatz was a tasty one too but that was long and many brain cells ago…

  11. back in the day, my buddies dad drank North Star. It was so cheap, the liquor store paid you to take it. It was so bad that even when we were broke and desperate for a beer, we didnt drink it.

    but i agree w/Brad, that budweiser is piss water. I dont know how you people can drink that. My beer, when i drank, was Miller High Life. None of that diet beer. I had quit drinking in 1992 (thank God) but I did have a beer back 94. It was a company Christmas party at a microbrew. I drank half of it. Had to have help leaving and the wife drove me home. Last time i drank.

  12. Kingfisher. It’s imported from India and they should’ve left it there.
    Imagine the taste of the asshole of a dead skunk. Then imagine it’s a road kill skunk lying in the Florida sun for a day or two.

  13. Joe6Pak,
    Dude, she wouldn’t let us stay at her place to go to Front Site, I’m thinking she’s not going to let us stay there to go drink. It’ll be John Candy and Steve Martin all over again.

  14. @Brad – I may be your best example of “there’s no accounting for taste!” If I don’t see one of my short list of known favorites, I’ll always go with an IPA. And my short list includes a couple of IPAs.

  15. Joe,
    Just thought of another one that I can’t find here anymore. Bitch Creek. It’s from a brewery in Montana. The wife bought it for me as a joke one year and damn. Really good beer.

  16. On a hot summer day maybe my favorite beer (you might question me on this) is a Peroni, from Italy. If you can get it on tap, in a frosty glass you will be convinced.

  17. @J in VT, my brothet texted me a photo of a six pack of Grain Belt in bottles just yesterday. I’m not sure where he picked it up. Our grandparents used to stock up on Grain Belt, Heidlebrau, and Schmidt when they went fishing in Minnesot. They always had it in their basement fridge near the pool table.

  18. Worst beer- Coors Light. In fact, if you drink light beer at all, I would recommend you just stick to Zima.

    I grew up on Rainier when I lived near Seattle. When my taste buds matured around 4th-5th grade, I switched to cool refreshing Pabst Blue Ribbon. Drank those 12oz cans for years. Recently I switched beers. I no longer drink those 12oz cans…I switched to the 16oz PBR.

  19. I drank most of these and this is a great topic of conversation. Milwaukee’s Best is not on here, nor is Grain Belt, and I could list a few others. Back in college my buddy used to get a 64-oz Schlitz Malt Liquor (“The Bull” as he would say in placing his order) “to go” at the drive-thru window @ Billy’s Beer Barn in College Station TX. That was back in the day when in TX one could drive w an adult beverage just not “be drunk.”

  20. I used to buy beer on base at the BX called “Beer”. It can in a white can with black letters that said “Beer”. The first 6 cans from the case tasted like shit, but they got better after that.

  21. When I was 18 the drinking age went to 21, but it was still 18 in Canada. We learned quickly where the Brewers Retail were.
    Interestingly, we declared the beer at the border, paid the duty and went on our way. The border agents never ask about our age. Times change. Anyway, Molson Brador has to be the worst.

  22. Haffenreffer Private Stock. By far the worst I ever found. Not only did it taste bad, it left the worst hangover because you got so much beer for so little. I’m pretty sure it contained Kerosene.

  23. Anybody ever try a Keystone Light? I asks because their ad man looks like someone who’s just given up on life and said “F# it, I’m drinking Keystone Light.”

  24. One of my biker buddies introduced me to Meister Brau in the early eighties in Hinesville, GA, He called it “Mister Bud.”

    @Davy, I remember the cases of “BEER” at the Ft. Stewart beverage store. Don’t recall how truly bad it was. One taste and I never bothered with it, after that. Ah, the good ol’ days.

  25. Great thread. Decades of happy Fog Of Beer memories.
    Californians, help me remember a brand.
    Back in Sacramento around ’89-90, I liked a cheap local beer that came in squat amber 12 oz bottles, label had a diagonal stripe I think. Dirt cheap but pretty drinkable. Went well with chicken BBQ-ing on the backyard hibachi.
    Brad, Joe6, LCD, what was that beer? Still around?

  26. Schaefer Beer, the Weekender. When we were in art school that’s what we could afford. PLUS, I just loved their tagline.

    “The beer to have, when you’re having more than one”. LOL!!

    Black Label too… but only almost frozen. That’s they only way they tasted good. You’d get halfway finished, and dump it because it warmed up.

  27. WHAT!? No mention of Stroh’s? No Carling Black Label? Keee-RIPES that list is deficient.

    Does anyone remember Hop’n Gator?

    Back in high school we had cheapos Duquesne and Iron City from Pittsburgh. Around 2000 I used to practically live on Milwaukee’s Best Ice until my stomach started to hurt every time I took a sip. It took a couple hundred cases to get to that point. These days I pollute my liver with Labatt. $20/case.

  28. Schlitz used to be a good beer decades ago, then they started reducing the amount of hops and the taste suffered. Schlitz went off the market for a period of time and some investors picked it back up and released it again under the “original” formula (with more hops). If you haven’t had it in a long time and like cheap beer, you might be surprised that it tastes pretty good now.

  29. In my younger days my girlfriend would bring a case of beer when we would go to the beach, but she kept getting sand in her Schlitz. (sorry). Seriously, back in the day there used to be a beer from Wisconsin called Rhinelander. Cheap and easy–like prom night in Wisconsin.

  30. Schmidts, worse than Schlitz. I remember Utica Club, Pabst, Rheingold, etc. I drink Rolling Rock, but the original brewing recipe’s been compromised after A/Busch bought them out. More carbonation. Makes it meh.

  31. One of the great things about living here in the PNW is we are awash in great microbrews. Never a reason to drink cheap supermarket beers. With summer approaching, i love a good IPA, and Hefeweizen the rest of the year.

  32. Back in 92 I bought a 30 pack of National Bohemian Lite for $2.99. Natty Boh’s is probably a blend Potomac river water and hobo urine with a little carbonation, as I ended up tossing 28 cans of that 30 pack in the trash. Just terrible.

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