A Memo!!!! The political equivalent of Revenge Porn – IOTW Report

A Memo!!!! The political equivalent of Revenge Porn

Patriot Retort:

When the breathless, hysterical news broke that James Comey had a memo.

A memo! You hear that?! A MEMO!!!

The first thing I thought was, “I hope his wife never leaves him.”

There’s an episode of “Veronica Mars,” where one of Veronica’s classmates decides to break up with her boyfriend now that he is graduating and leaving for the Naval Academy.

But when she tries to break it off, he shows her a cell phone video he shot of her “pleasuring” a popsicle.

He tells her if she ever breaks up with him, he will send that video to everybody in the school.

Apparently, that guy grew up to be James Comey.

Tell me this conveniently leaked “memo” doesn’t sound like the political equivalent of Revenge Porn.

I remember when people lauded Mr. Comey’s “integrity” and “honor.”

But I guess what passes for “integrity and honor” in Washington DC is what we on Planet Earth call “pettiness” and “spite.”

And because I’m not a Leftist, my initial reaction is one of serious doubt.

This memo doesn’t make Trump look bad.

Instead, it makes Comey look like a prick.

See the rest

4 Comments on A Memo!!!! The political equivalent of Revenge Porn

  1. My understanding is an ‘anonymous source’ said HE had read the memo and was reporting the ‘see say’ to the CURRETNTLY greatest source of fictionalized news, the NYT.

  2. Unless he distributed copies to all present at the meeting for verification of his understanding, it is meaningless and most likely one step below pure fiction!

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