U Mich Student Says Minorities Are Oppressed by Wood Paneling – IOTW Report

U Mich Student Says Minorities Are Oppressed by Wood Paneling

PJM: When the University of Michigan decided to renovate the century-old Michigan Union building, they thought it would be nice to get some input from students on the direction the renovations should take. In theory, not a bad idea.

Unfortunately, the university forgot this is the outrage generation, and should have expected that a student would express concern that minorities are oppressed by FINISHED WOOD. 

21 Comments on U Mich Student Says Minorities Are Oppressed by Wood Paneling

  1. If they’re so offended by the masculinity and quietness and tradition of wood paneling why not replace it with wall to wall and floor to ceiling rubber padding and make the inmates (AKA students supposedly) to wear straight jackets? That’s the ticket.

  2. Anyone else sick of this whiny shit coming out of every liberal bastion in America? How bout we give the whiners to the meanest and most sadistic Marine Corps Drill Instructors for about a year, followed by a year in Syria? Let’s start with credentialed college staff members.

  3. “… they thought it would be nice to get some input from students on the direction the renovations should take. In theory, not a bad idea.”

    Of course it’s a bad idea to seek wisdom from children. You are there to teach them, for crying out loud; not the other way around! Besides, you already have their money.

    The blind leading the blind wasn’t far enough. Now the fools want to be led by the foolish.

  4. What, are they reminded of the inside of a slave ship, or maybe Uncle Tom’s cabin?

    I would say they’ve jumped the shark, but then we’re back to the slave ship again.

  5. This is quintessential collectivism in the spotlight: the assumption that a post-modern, dialectic, deconstructionist analysis of wood paneled interior decor is TRUTH! that we all should meekly acknowledge in order to be recognized as a member of the hive.


  6. maybe concrete, or brick, or cinder block?
    …. no … that would remind the ‘oppressed’ of jail cells

    how about …. wallboard or plastered walls?
    …. no … remind them of their self-destroyed ghetto

    how about …. glass & steel?
    …. no … remind them of bars & bullet-proof plexiglass

    oh well …. sit in a big giant open-aired bowl … summer, winter, spring & fall

  7. face it … anything that represents civilization is anathema to the milliniots …. make them sit on the soggy ground … just like Hiawatha Warren’s tribe

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