Feminism Drives People to Deny Basic Facts – IOTW Report

Feminism Drives People to Deny Basic Facts

Daily Signal: The number of foolish statements made by men and women who consider themselves feminists is essentially equal to the number of people who strongly identify as feminists.

I write “strongly identify” because if asked, “Are you a feminist?” most women will say yes.

They will do so for two reasons.

One is that there is no social price paid for saying that one is a feminist, while there can be a huge price paid—on a college campus, for example—for saying that one is not a feminist.

The other is that a great number of women define feminism as “belief in women’s equality.” And by that definition, who isn’t a feminist? I certainly am.

Intelligence varies among these women and men as much as it does among members of any group of people; there are both brilliant individuals and dummies who say they are feminists.

But the women today—I am not talking about suffragettes in the early 20th century—whose identities are wrapped up in being a feminist are nearly all dummies.

That doesn’t mean they all lack brainpower. There are many people with a fine brain who are fools. Indeed, such individuals dominate our universities.

This realization occurred to me again when reading a CNN column written last week by Jill Filipovic, one of CNN’s feminist writers. (Does CNN employ a non-feminist female writer?)

The column was about Australian Sen. Larissa Waters, who breast-fed her child in the parliamentary chamber while Parliament was in session. The CNN writer, as would be expected, lauded the parliamentarian: What could be more beautiful or natural than breast-feeding in Parliament?

Among the writer’s arguments defending Waters was one in which she said, “Yes, for many people, breasts are sexually alluring or arousing—but so too are lips and hands, and having those out in Parliament doesn’t bring on sexual chaos.”

This was similar to the argument advanced by the highest court in the state of New York in a 1992 ruling that said women could go topless in public because men can, and there is no difference between a man’s chest and a woman’s.

In the court’s words, the law that prevented them from doing so “discriminates against women by prohibiting them from removing their tops and exposing their bare chests in public as men are routinely permitted to do.”

Now back to our feminist at CNN who compared the sexually alluring and arousing nature of visible lips and hands with visible breasts.

It is difficult to overstate the foolishness of that comment.

For one thing, the only inference to be drawn is that women in parliament and all other public spaces should uncover their breasts just as they do their lips and hands.

But what is truly absurd is the equation of seeing women’s breasts with seeing their lips and hands. more here

“Did you see the hands on that chick?
They were HAWT! “

Said no one ever.

9 Comments on Feminism Drives People to Deny Basic Facts

  1. Having read this article there is a slight chance I may be accused of committing rape, not rape rape. At the grocery store yesterday a woman checked me out! No, I mean at the register, that’s a figure of speech. She greeted me with her lips and passed my items thru her recently cleaned wet belt with her hands. Oh man this is getting sweaty. There she is, standing there, swiping my items one beep after another. Beep beep beep! I met her with one piece of equality, the swipe of my credit card. Oh man did I level that paying field, erm, I mean playing field. It was taco Tuesday.

  2. This is The People’s business, and that makes it important. Very important, indeed. So, I’m just gonna pee in this bucket. It’s perfectly natural. And I’m not sexist. The not male identifying members of this august body are free to pee in buckets, as well. Just don’t be sexists and try do deny my right to pee in a bucket. Right here. In public.

  3. snon…..that’s the same argument i make against public boob-feeding…..i managed to feed both my sons without having to say “let me just pull this out” even once….so until guys can pee in public – it’s just as natural and a far more frequent necessity, after all – you mommies should keep your shirts on….

    just sayin……

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