PRIORITIES: Berkeley to Charge Millions in Student Fees for Transgender Bathrooms – IOTW Report

PRIORITIES: Berkeley to Charge Millions in Student Fees for Transgender Bathrooms

LWC: Remember when Berkeley was at the forefront of higher education? At one time their students were thoroughly prepared to enter the workforce. Now they set stuff on fire when they’re mad. Times change. But Berkeley is still making headlines – only this time it’s not for academic excellence, or even face smashing those who dare oppose their progressive ways. They’ve decided to gather millions of dollars via student fees to put towars an important cause: tranny bathrooms…  see more

9 Comments on PRIORITIES: Berkeley to Charge Millions in Student Fees for Transgender Bathrooms

  1. Well, if the parents are stupid enough to send their kids to that kind of place and are willing to pay the extra fees, then so be it. Personally, I wouldn’t waste a goddamned dime on a university that would piss away money on such stupid shit, when they could be using it to support more STEM courses.

  2. Come on Berkeley, its small potatoes here. Really open it up. Charge millions more to install safe space rooms with crayons and coloring books and safe space rooms with gender neutral stuffed animals (in case crayons create microaggressions). Each building on campus needs to be outfitted with a prayer room for Islamists. There needs to be Vegan cafeterias where students can enjoy soy lattes and seaweed salads. Crime free zones need to be installed all over campus to promote overall safety. You get the picture Berkeley! Segregated buildings need to be built so students can have “white free” areas in which to live. Don’t think small and piece meal it, do it all at once!

  3. Where do you procure bathroom fixtures for trannies? I don’t know what kind of plumbing they have installed, and am not quite sure why a standard urinal or commode won’t serve.

    Anybody got a link to trannie approved fixtures?

  4. Thanks to the fucked up liberals in Commifornia for allowing what was once a respected institute of higher learning in the STEM community to become the epicenter of STUPID!

  5. THIS IS A PUBLIC SCHOOL meaning TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING FOR THIS! The University of California, Berkeley, (also referred to as UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, Cal Berkeley, and California)[7] is a public research university located in Berkeley, California. Founded in 1868, Berkeley is the oldest of the ten research universities in the University of California system, and is often cited as the top public university in the United States and around the world.

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