Where Is The Congressional GOP Support For Trump? – IOTW Report

Where Is The Congressional GOP Support For Trump?

They’re spineless, weak-kneed, gutless cowards, maybe? It’s getting really hard to be happy with this ‘majority’ we elected.

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17 Comments on Where Is The Congressional GOP Support For Trump?

  1. We see the problem with the two-party system. When both parties suck, there’s no where to turn.
    – We turned to Trump but he needs some help and isn’t getting it.

  2. Like the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters and like the Scottish nobles to William Wallce. Is there any doubt that the republican party has been the paid opposition for the past 50 years?

  3. That’s what I want to know. If you do, too, then please call and email your representatives at least weekly asking why they’re missing in action.

    I’d also like to know where the Republican National Committee (Romney’s niece) is. They collected more money this last quarter thanks to Trump than ever before and yet they have no coordinated response to the left’s slander and propaganda. We also don’t see anyone putting dimocrite at heart lunatics like Amash, Sasse and McCain in their place.

    It’s an attempted coup by the swamp dwellers folks. If we remain silent we deserve the consequences.

  4. One must remember that it was Jed that Washington wanted but it is Trump that “WE” gave them. Now we are witnessing damn near all of Washington disregarding the will of the people. We elected our President so now we must, with an equal or greater effort, replace the opposition. The GOPe are snakes that must NEVER be trusted.

  5. This is almost exactly like the obamacare bill in 09.

    Back then, they pretended to be against obongocare, to fool the base, while all the while they were behind it.

    Now, they’re not really putting on much of an act about supporting trump, and we know they’re for impeachement.

    1 when it was revealed that comey notifed obama and crew that they were investigating trump but the fbi didn’t notify republican congress, ryan and co didn’t utter a peep of shock and dismay and call for an investigation.

    Ryan wants trump impeached and it could not be more clear and i hope every republican admits it to themselves.

  6. First, Ryan’s wife is from a wealthy, hugely-Democrat family (just like Jared Kushner’s family). How is it, that we the people are caught between a rock and a hard place? I, for one, will NOT vote for another politician, EVER. We truly need more outsiders, just like our President (and yes, I see Jared/Ivanka influence very troubling).

  7. All this talk about contacting your reps is fine but what if your from mexifornia? If you contact feinstein, kamal harris or anybody else from this state you are going to be put on an enemies list.
    I’m going straight to the White House and Trump with my support. We should all be telling Trump to turn the tables on these skunks. Prosecute the obama administration for the very same accusations and then some.

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