Report: Huma Cuts Off Weiner – IOTW Report

Report: Huma Cuts Off Weiner

Breitbart: The wife of disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, has finally filed for divorce on the same day he plead guilty to charges of sexting a minor.

Abedin, a former close aide to Hillary Clinton, filed an uncontested “Anonymous vs. Anonymous” action in Manhattan Supreme Court, meaning she is likely to hold custody of the couple’s young son.

Last August, Abedin announced that she was separating from Weiner, after further lewd photos of Weiner were leaked, one of which included his son. However, a report earlier this year indicated the pair were “working hard” to save their marriage.  more

14 Comments on Report: Huma Cuts Off Weiner

  1. Danger wasn’t just sexting his bits to underage girls with a baby in the picture, he was a child-sex runner for the DNC-Deep State cabal. That according to which claims NYPD and FBI sources.

    No one is aggregating the child sex ring arrests nationwide, but they are numerous. Trump knows what’s happening and tasked Sessions to make it a priority.

  2. Vermin control nailed it.

    The reason the pervs are going nuts on Trump is because they know
    that the shit is about to hit the fan. There is talk that Comey is deeply involved in pedophilia
    and child sex trafficking.

  3. I scrolled down here only to say, I really don’t care about these people anymore.

    Or the Clintons. Or Obamas. You get my drift, maybe.

    Not to sound whatever, but I have decided to use that time on other things.

    I am in the later decades of my life and each day is beginning to look more important to me.

    To wean one’s self off the net as entertainment probably isn’t easy.

    Sorry for the long OT post. Wish iotw had a column where we could kick back and say things like this among friends. A round table of sorts. Like constant comment.

    Thank you, Mr. Hat, for this space.

  4. Well, maybe he will flip on Huma as revenge, turn into a snitch and start singing about Hillary’s campaign in order to get into WitSec before Hillary has him Vince Fostered.

  5. When a Arabic woman with deep ties to the Muslim brotherhood marries a jew its gotta be love. How many national secrets were compromised by these creeps. Hope she gets a matching cell soon.

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