Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia – IOTW Report

Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia

Breitbart: With headlines swirling and lawmakers meeting behind closed doors, it’s not difficult to conclude there is trouble in the Trump White House.

But a deeper dive reveals that lots of people who would not consider themselves Trump supporters admit there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Trump campaign regarding alleged collusion with Russians.

Here’s a list of some of those who fall into the “no evidence” column:

Go see

15 Comments on Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia

  1. The biggest problem in the Trump White House is that he has no allies in congress to help implement his agenda. The swamp monsters aren’t to pleased with the Trump way of doing business.

  2. I’m still at a loss as to why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton. It’s pretty clear that Hillary will sell out US interests for cash, and she was likely to be a spineless continuation of the Obama administration foreign policy. Add in the fact that the Democrats are moving to socialist/communist and actively seeking to curtail the Bill of Rights, and Putin would appear to want to favor Clinton.

    Trump, at best, would be an unknown wild card and at worst a reincarnation of Reagan. Perhaps the Russians figured that if Trump were elected, the Democrats would overtly try to overthrow a democratically elected administration (which is actually proving true) thereby causing chaos, but this seemed like too much of a crapshoot and the Democrats were going where the Russians wanted them to go.

  3. Maybe somebody needs to look at the Seth Rich issue?

    Maybe he once walked past someone who might have been distantly related to a person that might have once thought about visiting Russia?

    Also, Seth might have been in proximity to a Trump building once. Maybe even in Washington, DC. He could have even walked right past the building. [gasp!]

    Total Russia-Trump connection, right there.

    Maybe it all happened right before he handed off all that DNC email/etc. to Wikileaks, and was murdered soon afterward?

    I wonder what John Podesta might have to say?

    Two Anonymous Sources™* say Podesta is trying to cut a deal to save his sick ass in exchange for testimony.

    *Anonymous Sources™ is a trademark of CNN, and should not be earnestly used unless you are a pathological liar with absolutely no integrity.

    Now back to Bambi, with the financial news.

    /Nothing in this post is necessarily true.
    //But it might be.
    ///The CNN stuff is probably nearly true.

  4. Now that a special investigator is assigned to sorting this Russia-info mess, I believe the whole saga is going to quietly pass out of the public eye. When it starts coming down to facts instead of headlines, all fault will point to the unsecured Clinton servers carrying State Department classifieds. If Russia did anything to sway public opinion in the USA, they got it from Clinton and other Dem sources.

    President Trump is doing what he’s always done: moving forward with the best information he has at the time, and President Trump has very, very good information. He’s letting his detractors hang themselves in a fit of autoerotic asphyxiation. When they die without coming, it’s going to be time to gloat beyond belief.

    It’s gonna happen. MAGA.

  5. The Gateway Pundit had a story that once the Dems did some polling on impeachment, they saw that they didn’t have the country on their side so they are back-pedaling furiously away from the narrative. Maybe this will be the awakening they need to finally figure out that they shouldn’t have and, indeed, did not win the election.

    If Meuller plays it straight (which there is every reason to believe he won’t), he will discover that the so-called “Russian hacking” of the DNC was Seth Rich and that he was murdered as part of a cover-up. That is why the FBI didn’t investigate the hacking itself, the DNC wouldn’t turn their servers over to them. Comey was complicit. And that’s why all the flapdoodle coming from the Left about Trump and the Russians. It’s all a smokescreen. I wish Sessions had not recused himself from all this. Maybe, if they get into real cases, he will reinstate himself or Trump will demand he be involved — particularly since the original premise for the special counsel was based on the claim that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians and that dog won’t hunt.

    There is also the little matter of the co-incidental meeting between Lynch and Slick Willy which preceded the end of further FBI investigations.

    They all thought they were so clever.

  6. AA/Joe, on my cell and can’t search the guy’s name. He’s some what famous and has declared he will swear statements for the investigation. Hanitty has been talking with him. 90milesfromtyranny has been doing a great job covering this.

  7. The reason why the dems changed their tune so quickly is they know that a special prosecutor may find what a colluding, traitorous piece of shit cunt Hillary is in the process of trying to fuck over Trump.

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