Alabama Legislature Passes Bill Protecting Confederate Memorials – IOTW Report

Alabama Legislature Passes Bill Protecting Confederate Memorials

Monument honoring Confederate soldiers in Montgomery, Alabama (Shutterstock/JNix)

Daily Caller:

The Alabama senate passed a bill Friday which would prevent the changing of the names of Confederate memorials and removing of historic Confederate monuments.

The bill “would prohibit the relocation, removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of any architecturally significant building, memorial building, memorial street, or monument that has stood on public property for 40 or more years,” reads the text of the bill, reported Yahoo News.

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19 Comments on Alabama Legislature Passes Bill Protecting Confederate Memorials

  1. While the shits are at it removing confederate statues, I think they ought to get rid of battlefields too. Same thing….. where do you draw a line?

    I need more land to build condos….

  2. How would they like it if every street named Martin Luther King Boulevard was changed back to what it was before he was assassinated, because of his socialist leanings and close association with known communists? Why not open the sealed FBI files that were suppressed to conceal these facts when Ronald Reagan signed the act that created Martin Luther King Day?

  3. Who would have ever thought such a Bill would be required to save historical monuments?
    Sad state of affairs when communities and states are not able to honor those who served, fought and died to protect Constitutional State’s Rights against an ever encroaching Federal Government.

  4. Rufus T Firefly: “God Will Prove US Right” is the motto on the Great Seal of the Confederate States of America. Thank you for reminding us of that politically incorrect aspiration.

  5. Confederate remembrances are like those videos of your brother successfully daring you to eat a booger, or your sister having you nibble that cookie that came from her Easy Bake Catbox.

    A long time ago, stupid old people, who are thankfully long dead, thought it was acceptable to say “no” to foreigners who screeched “You will respect mah authoritah!” because the screechers also wrote memos of their screeching. And even stupider old people, who are even more thankfully dead, thought it would solve the issue to tell such people “You mind your business. I’ll mind mine.”, as long as they also wrote a memo.

    What’s the point of publicly shaming stupid?

  6. @cato May 21, 2017 at 1:35 pm

    > Who would have ever thought such a Bill would be required to save historical monuments?

    Foolish people who defy the fatwas of their professional betters.

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