ENERGY STAR Repeal To Cause Global Depression For Progressive Media – IOTW Report

ENERGY STAR Repeal To Cause Global Depression For Progressive Media

The Lid: President Trump recently announced the ‘close out‘ of the ENERGY STAR program, and has officially begun the deconstruction of one of the most corrupt federal programs in US history. This effectively ends the decades old mandate requiring that all government agencies purchase only the EPA’s brand of ‘certified’ energy efficiency products and services, opening our government contracting to honest competition for the first time in decades.

This is great news for most Americans, not so much for mainstream media outlets that helped market the EPA’s unique commodity for many years. EPA claims their brand has saved over $430 billion in utility bills since 1992, but can’t explain how the extraordinary energy saving occur or why electric bills would skyrocket from the use of ENERGY STAR products.  more here

22 Comments on ENERGY STAR Repeal To Cause Global Depression For Progressive Media

  1. Energy Star —>> Noisy Refrigerators

    Energy Star program requirements mandated low power consumption above all else. Couple this with the normal business desire to reduce manufacturing costs, and you end with refrigerators with cheap (i.e. noisy) compressors timed to cycle frequently.

    I got stuck with a jaw-dropping noisy fridge a few years back, so went shopping. Every salescritter I asked “which is the most quiet?” had no idea what the hell I was blithering on about. They’d just point to the Energy Star label touting all the electricity savings.

    BTW, if you do a Web search on “quiet refrigerator” you will get lots of hits from folks sharing my frustration from living with a howling monster. Several have opined that the LG brand is more quiet than most.

    Oh, if only quiet operation were a concerted industry objective. And quiet was positively advertised!

  2. Drive Them OUT…all of them.
    Out Out Out
    Swamp Creatures are unelected economic parasite terrorists.
    POTUS says “Drive them Out”
    From our Schools.
    From our Cities.
    From our Towns.
    From our Lands.
    Out Out Out

  3. Maybe I’m not trying hard enough to find one, but I can’t recall any Government program that was started with good intentions ended up a complete disaster.

  4. Whatever you do, don’t get the high efficiency washer and dryer. My wife curses them constantly and they were wicked expensive. She wants the old ones back.

    How is it high efficiency if you have to run a load through 2 or 3 times to get clothes clean and to get the soap out?

  5. The Center of Gravity is the income tax. Get it to one tax rate and a postcard size tax return and all of this waste goes away.

    That and electric shock collars on all members of the House Ways and Means & Graft Committee.

  6. Government cannot do anything well.

    The basic light bulb. Edison’s genius had perfected it by 1910. Available everywhere, 4/$1 for name brands, reliable, safe, a 25 cent bulb lasts for years.

    Enter Government, and they mandate unreliable, insanely over complicated bulbs filled with toxic poison gas (!) and a 20-30% defective/DOA rate out of the box. Instead of 25 cents they cost $9, and die inexplicably after 6-12 weeks of light use.

    EnergySaver mandates did the same to every major home appliance.

    Shut down the EPA. Just shut it down.

  7. Look what happened to aerosol cans. Glade complied with EPA regulations and now their cans fail with half the spray wasted. Also, Thanks to government intrusion, lots of new toilets have such low pressure, it takes more than one flush.

  8. @ PHenry, about a half a cup of TSP. Won’t say it’s a cure-all, but it makes a yuge difference.

    IIRC, household users of detergents with it were punished with sub-par products, when it was the industrial users that were the problem children.

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