Austrian Town Won’t Accept Any More Refugees After Girl Is Raped – IOTW Report

Austrian Town Won’t Accept Any More Refugees After Girl Is Raped

DailyCaller; An Austrian town has put a temporary ban on refugees after an alleged rape of a 15-year-old girl.

The girl was walking home alone April 25 when three men attacked her. The local prosecutor in Tulln, a town of about 15,000 people, ordered 59 male asylum seekers to submit DNA samples after the victims’ testimony.

An Afghan and a Somali citizen have since been arrested. A third suspect remains on the run.  more here

15 Comments on Austrian Town Won’t Accept Any More Refugees After Girl Is Raped

  1. It appears Austrians have awakened from the slumber of EU mandated islamic refugee incursion and the murder, rapes, cultural upheaval and terror attacks islam preaches, encourages and rewards.

    When will the UN, EU and the US stop the invasion?
    How many murders, rapes and terror attacks does it take?
    Hundreds? Thousands? We are already there. Stop the madness.

  2. “An Afghan and a Somali citizen have since been arrested. A third suspect remains on the run.”

    The rape doesn’t sound very “alleged” to me.

    And if they Afghan and Somali are citizens, why stop importing “rapugees?”
    They might re-consider extending “citizenship” to Afghans and Somalis.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What the fuck did they expect to happen?

    It isn’t like they weren’t repeatedly warned.

    Sure, the subhumans need to be shot – but the people responsible for bringing the subhumans into Europe need to die even more.

  4. Too stunningly bad that these asshats, abroad and here, are completely unable tp put two and two together without having to be clubbed by four sticks…

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