School district defends pepper spraying students during criminal justice lesson – IOTW Report

School district defends pepper spraying students during criminal justice lesson

EAG: BARBERTON, Ohio – Students were voluntarily blasted with pepper spray for a law enforcement class exercise at an Ohio high school, and officials are now defending against calls to fire the teacher involved.

Last week, a group of 11th grade criminal science students at Barberton High School voluntarily lined up along a wall at the school and received a blast of pepper spray in the face from teacher Jeremy Milford, a former police chief, reports.

Milford secured permission from parents before the voluntary defensive tactics training. Signed permission slips stated students could choose “to be swabbed or receive a quick ‘burst’ to the facial area with this chemical agent.”


“It will cause irritation and a burning sensation to the eyes and nasal area for approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour,” the slip read. “This is a controlled and safe experience for the students and is completely voluntary.”

In the video, which has received a lot of attention online, students scream in pain once the pepper spray set in, with many of them yelling “Oh, my God!” and “Ahh, it burns!”

“It feels like a volcano in my eyes!” one girl screamed.

For about two minutes, more than a dozen students continued to scream in agony as others cheered them on.

The video was apparently too much for some folks to handle.  more

12 Comments on School district defends pepper spraying students during criminal justice lesson

  1. Back when I was a young guy I witnessed a friend of mine get maced (he deserved it) and he was miserable for a couple hours. That’s enough for me, I’m not signing up for a free demonstration.

  2. “The video was apparently too much for some folks to handle.”

    Folks? Who are they? The parents? If not the parents, they have NO say. And if it is the parents, you have no say because you already approved.

    So, everyone needs to SHUT UP.

  3. Ok, I just watched the video. I laughed! The guy in the purple shorts wasn’t reacting until the little chickie that he has a crush on started acting up. Come on, dude. You aren’t going to get laid for being a pussy.

  4. As one of the many high school JROTC units visiting Camp Pendleton over spring break each year, the gas chamber visit was a right of passage. Having to remove your gas mask in a room filled with CS gas was the bravest thing the kids would ever do. Freshmen on up, no one ever complained.

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