The National Science Foundation has awarded $200,000 of taxpayer money to study butthurt – IOTW Report

The National Science Foundation has awarded $200,000 of taxpayer money to study butthurt

The Liberty Zone:

Mary Atwater, a science and mathematics education professor at the University of Georgia will be studying microaggressions. That’s right. You read that correctly. Microaggressions.

At your expense.

The National Science Foundation has awarded Atwater more than $200,000 of taxpayer money to study butthurt – perceived infractions by the perpetually aggrieved that allow them to claim others’ fault for their failures.

This “high risk-high payoff” approach to supporting new, exploratory work will allow Mary Atwater, a professor in the mathematics and science education department in the College of Education, to develop a potentially transformative venue for reducing racial microaggression, or the subtle, indirect or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group, in science education.

You see, promoting STEM education among minorities is insufficient, so this creature was awarded taxpayer money to find fault with white people for low minority participation in STEM fields.  MORE

[Warning: Salty Language Ahead. Nicki has great posts but just so ya know, she’s a sporadic cusser. And y’all know I enjoy me some sporadic cussing 😉 Anyway, take a look around. ]

12 Comments on The National Science Foundation has awarded $200,000 of taxpayer money to study butthurt

  1. LOL, too bad they waste our money on liberal asswipes that do nothing more than take money from tax-payers and leave a pissy-assed report that does nothing but mutter some incoherent ‘academia’ mumbo jumbo.

    For half the price I could write a comprehensive report explaining how most microaggressions on the right are created by stupidity and ignorance from the left. Contraire, most microaggressions on the left are self-imposed and directly related to their stupidity and ignorance of life in general.

    Kindly forward my $100,000 by way of IOTW.

  2. Microaggression:

    Being held accountable for the paranoid delusions of some thin skinned narcissistic asshole just because you happened to be in the same room with them while being a member of some demographic that they are looking to fuck over.

  3. In other words…
    her salary justification got covered.

    “Compensation decisions are a collaborative effort between the hiring manager or supervisor, responsible higher-level administrators, and Human Resources. Implementation of consistent and appropriate practices are instrumental to our ability to attract, motivate, and retain qualified employees, and to ensure compliance with appropriate rules, regulations, and laws. The success of our compensation program hinges on our ability to appropriately compete with external labor markets, to recognize and reward exceptional performance, and to maintain a shred sense of internal equity and fairness.”

    …and pocket a tidy profit.


  4. This is all the NSF does now. Full time SJW awards.
    Close the NSF. Sell the building. Put the future savings and proceeds toward building The Wall.

    Oh, and give the U of GA 72 hours to return the taxpayers’ $200k in full.
    And a stern warning never to submit this kind of scam grant application again.

  5. I really try to not commit any microaggressions: I’m aiming for full-blown over the top macroaggressions. Microagressors are just underachievers.

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