Neo-Nazi Islamist Tells Police He Murdered Roomates Who Disrespected Islam – IOTW Report

Neo-Nazi Islamist Tells Police He Murdered Roomates Who Disrespected Islam

Tammy Bruce:  

Yeah, you heard that right. In Florida, no less. But there’s more…

Via Fox News.

A man in Florida who claimed to be a neo-Nazi convert told police he murdered his two roommates at their apartment because they “disrespected” his Islamic faith, police records revealed on Monday.

The suspect, 18-year-old Devon Arthurs, mentioned “Allah Mohammed!” during his arrest in Tampa on Friday night, Fox 13 reported.

more here

SNIP: That boy is more confused than a one-eyed chameleon on a checker board.

20 Comments on Neo-Nazi Islamist Tells Police He Murdered Roomates Who Disrespected Islam

  1. Spreading … like a disease.
    The weak-minded embrace izlam because it “empowers” them. They can profess an allegiance to something larger than themselves – a god who sanctions murder, rape, and mayhem on a global scale – who brooks no dissent – who “rewards” the murderous, rapist, rioters with 72 virgin goats.
    What more could a demented, confused, imbecile desire?

    Flay him. Replace his flesh with pigskin. Stuff his mouth with pig offal. Hang him.

    Leave him hanging thus as an example for others.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is a poorly written uninformming article. Did the guy just SAY he murdered his roommates. Were his roommates actually murdered? Is this guy being charged for the murders? What the hell?

  3. One of the articles from a Miami outlet focused on the 4th roommate being in possession of weapons/bomb materials, only mentioned the 2 murders in an “oh, by the way, this also happened” manner in the middle of the story. In reality, all 4 were probably responsible for the weapons stash.

  4. Billy Fuster, remember Ben Rhodes told us that “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

    And consequently, they can tell you nothing.

  5. This reminds me of a case about 15 years ago. Some young guy was being teased at the loading doc where he worked. He brought a gun in one fine day and shot his co-workers.

    If I recall right his name was … wait for it… Mohamed. The subject of teasing… Islam. Mohamed’s family was shocked that this happened and the local news was left scratching their heads as to why a young man would just snap.

    Numbers per population: are pit-bulls more or less safe than adherents to Islam? I ask because I don’t know. Denver outlawed pit-bulls because you just never know when they will snap. Do we need to apologize to the pit-bull population or do we need to treat the adherents of Islam like pit-bulls? I’m free flowing here so take it for what its worth.

  6. Another lost soul. Trying to find something, anything, to believe in and fight for.

    The Left built this. This young American boy should have had a youth of Scouting, and God, and JROTC, and maybe his ROTC/college options.
    Instead he’s been adrift in Left-created societal chaos, and sucked down a black hole of insanity and murder.

    The Left did this.
    And the Left must be eradicated.

  7. Rufus you are spot on. Thridtwin Alton Nolen- just another guy who snaped; because people just snap. (sarcasm off)

    So, I did some quick research. There are 3 to 5 million pit-bulls in the US. There are 3.3 mill Muslims in the US.

    Here is where it gets crazy- in 2016 there were 33 dog bite related deaths 71% of which (22) were committed by Pit-Bulls and Pit Bulls make up only 6.6% of the dog population. 22 people dead at the jaws of Pit-Bulls nation wide and cities like Denver want to outlaw them (the Pit-Bulls) from the city.

    In 2016 Omar Mateen killed 49 people all by his lonesome. Islam produces a higher body count with a smaller base to work with than Pit-Bulls. Just something to think about.

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