Obama’s Secretary Of Defense Thinks Trump’s Islam Speech Was Better – IOTW Report

Obama’s Secretary Of Defense Thinks Trump’s Islam Speech Was Better

DailyCaller: Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates contrasted President Donald Trump’s Sunday speech on Islam to the 2009 Cairo speech by former President Barack Obama, at a Foundation for Defense of Democracies conference Tuesday.

“It clearly set us on a different, and in my view better path, than President Obama’s Cairo speech,” Gates declared.

Gates characterized Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech as “basically … put the responsibility on the U.S. for things that had gone wrong.” He contrasted the speech to Trump’s who he thought “put the responsibility on the government’s of [Muslim] countries.”

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4 Comments on Obama’s Secretary Of Defense Thinks Trump’s Islam Speech Was Better

  1. Who gives a shit what this lib moron thinks any more than any other? Sure he worked for Bush, but he didn’t stand out in any way except making sure his “Yes Man” Adm Mullen got the CJCS job.
    Then he and Mullen helped Obozo turn the military into a filthy social experiment before he the same ideas and phucked up the Boy Scouts of America. POS.

  2. How could he not?

    BTW, obola fancies himself joeBiden smaht™ and
    thinks he’s fooled us to believe he’s actually ever gone skeetshooting.

  3. No shit, Red Rider. It was better because he isn’t beholden to pantywaist PC BS the way his predecessor was. It was better because Trump actually loves America and her people, cares what happens to us, and realizes that Islamic terrorism needs to be stopped everywhere.

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