A quick refresher for Progs: Manchester wasn’t the first time jihadis targeted children – IOTW Report

A quick refresher for Progs: Manchester wasn’t the first time jihadis targeted children

Michelle Malkin:

The forgotten slaughters of the innocents.

For now, everyone knows the sonorous name and cherubic face of 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos.


She’s the littlest known victim of Monday night’s jihad attack in Manchester, England. Her doe-eyed image spread as rapidly across social media as the #PrayForManchester hashtags and Twitter condolences from celebrities.

But I guarantee you that beautiful Saffie Rose will evaporate from the memories of those most loudly proclaiming “Never forget” faster than a dewdrop in the desert.

Look no further for proof of the West’s incurable terror attack amnesia than the reaction to the Manchester massacre. Reporters, politicians and pundits expressed shock at the brutality of Muslim murderers targeting children and young people.

Labour Party leader Yvette Cooper posited on BBC Live that it was a “first.”

“The architects of terror have hit a new low,” a Liverpool newspaper editorialized.

U.K. columnist Rosie Millard described the bloody bombing as an “attack unique in its premeditated targeting of the young.”

What planet have these people been living on for the past 16 years? How quickly the blind, deaf and dumb virtue signalers forget.

Continued here

8 Comments on A quick refresher for Progs: Manchester wasn’t the first time jihadis targeted children

  1. I saw some prog report on the “news” stating the citizens simply “need to get used to terror attacks.”
    There’s your desensitizing before the mourning of victims barely began.

    Like eating breakfast every day only to forget what you ate by lunch.

    Like when a prog gets in my face wagging a finger at me all riled up, I can’t recall the point 15 seconds later. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  2. Moshe Dayan: Let us not be afraid to see the hatred that consumes the lives of hundreds of thousands of Arabs who sit around us and wait for the moment when their hands will be able to reach our blood.

  3. Any faith that issues blank checks on the slaughter of children needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth.

    If a Westboro Baptist church member did this representatives of every Christian church would gather, from the Catholic Church to Eastern Orthodox from Four Square Gospel to the Mormons to all of the various brands of Baptist and they would all be on the same stage, all holding hands and singing the same hymn as one would step forward and say “the suicide jockey, is, at this moment in Hell, the church he belonged to is not a Christian Church. Furthermore, on the authority of what one Jesus Christ said we believe it would be better for any member of the Westboro Baptist church that a mill stone be placed around their necks and cast into a body of water than for them to keep holding to the teachings of Westboro Baptists.

    Not really hearing that from the Muslim world. I hear a lot about “Islamophobia” but nothing about how it is evil to murder children. Check that; unless those children where used as human shields against the Israelis or Americans then they go ape-shit crazy or dead children. But that is a whole other matter.

  4. I read a few articles yesterday where people were quoted saying that this was a new low, or the worst yet, things to be that effect, and I was scratching my head in bewilderment. What??? For real???

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