Chinese Student Graduates from University of Maryland Praising USA, gets Condemned in China – IOTW Report

Chinese Student Graduates from University of Maryland Praising USA, gets Condemned in China

A small controversy over a graduation speech at the University of Maryland has actually proven the point that a young Chinese girl was trying to make.

Yang Shuping was asked to deliver a speech during her graduation ceremonies at the University of Maryland, and what she came up with was splendid.

Shuping praised the quality of air in the United States, as compared to the quality of air in her home town back in China. The graduating UM student also took the time to praise the United States for our history of defending freedom of expression and speech.

Here’s what she said (and I wish more college students would pay attention):  MORE

8 Comments on Chinese Student Graduates from University of Maryland Praising USA, gets Condemned in China

  1. Think about it. If she had graduated from Berkeley, Columbia, or NYU, she would be welcomed home to China with open arms, after condemning the US of A in her speech. Foreign Minister, Who Flung Dung, would have a parade in her honor.

  2. She could have said, “I love the fresh air of free speech when I’m here in America. But I will return to my homeland and love the benevolent leaders of China and their wise teachings to shut up and sit down if I know what’s good for me. And my family.”

  3. The entire world hates the USA (not to mention about half of Americans.) But they still line up for the freebies they cannot get in their third-world pestholes.
    Someday soon, I hope, Uncle Sugar will wake up and shake off these pestilential vermin.

  4. I think that this is just sad. I think that Americans would not tolerate this neglecting of their freedoms in their native country. However, as we can see, different countries have different views on what is right and wrong. I think that even such online tools that help with writing such as would also be forbidden in China. I hope that more and more students will consider the option of studying abroad regardless of the consequences. Thanks for the chance to read this important information.

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