New California Gun Control Regulations to Dry Up Supply of ‘Assault Weapons’? – IOTW Report

New California Gun Control Regulations to Dry Up Supply of ‘Assault Weapons’?

TTAG: Few things are more corrosive to our civil liberties than unaccountable bureaucrats drafting administrative regulations. It’s far worse, though, when those same bureaucrats provide the administrative clarifications to liberty-suffocating laws that were directly passed by the legislature and the people by popular referenda.

California politicians have long sought to throw roadblocks in front of the right to keep and bear arms, but this has accelerated in the last decade. Last year, a smorgasbord of gun control laws were passed by both the state legislature and via popular referenda in the Golden State (kindly enumerated online by public station 89.3 KPCC):

(1) Expanding California’s definition of “assault weapons” to include semi-automatic rifles that are equipped with a tool to detach the magazine (“bullet button rifles”). There would be a grandfathering provision here, as rifles legally possessed and registered with California authorities at the time the law comes into effect would still be legal, but could never be transferred (even at time of death of the owner.)

(2) Requiring a background check for people purchasing ammunition.

(3) Banning mere possession of any detachable magazine capable of holding more than ten (10) cartridges, with no grandfather provision. Before the law comes into effect, these magazines would have to be either destroyed, transferred out of state, or handed in to law enforcement.

(4) Restricting the loaning of firearms to persons who are not immediate relatives.

(5) Making it a misdemeanor to falsely report a stolen firearm, and banning guilty people from buying another firearm for ten years.

So what are these laws going to look like when the rubber hits the road? Well…I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t. At least not yet.  more here

18 Comments on New California Gun Control Regulations to Dry Up Supply of ‘Assault Weapons’?

  1. Will not comply.

    Even some federal agents I have sold firearms to recently have said they suggest not complying with this BS.

    I can say the same for the local LEO’s, too.

  2. Cato,
    That’s the problem, WE didn’t elect them. L.A. and San Francisco elected them. Northern California has a total of 3 Representatives. That’s North of Sacramento. Half the land mass. There’s law suits that have just been filed.

    I sold a gun to a senior CalDoj guy. A conservative and a shooter. He drops by once and a while and I saws him right after the NRA filed their law suit. He’s telling me that the DOJ attorneys are saying there’s no way those laws will stand. CalDoj told these asshole politicians what they were doing was unconstitutional, could managed, don’t do it. They did it anyway. Rural Sheriffs will not enforce this bull shit.

  3. I’m looking forward to moving to The State of Jefferson. I’m a left coast guy and I don’t see myself leaving but look what we have, WA., OR., CA. I will welcome Jefferson.

  4. Brad,

    It’s the CA electoral process. It’s been manipulated to have only the top 2 candidates make to the end; not the top democrat and the top republican.

    The point is moot anyway. It’s about the ruling class and the submissive class. There’s only one thing missing at this point.

    I need to start getting in shape. I may have to hoof it out of this state on foot eventually.

  5. Ostensibly to prevent gun crimes; actually designed to prevent gun owners.
    I hope trump does the same thing to states who violate 2nd amendment rights as he’s doing to those that violate immigration law.

  6. “government which fears guns in the hands of the people should also fear the rope”

    “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

    “Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty, teeth and keystone under independence. The church, the plow, the prairie wagon and the citizen’s firearms are indelibly related.”

    “Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not.”

  7. Why isn’t Jeff Sessions attacking the States who abrogate the rights of their citizens with the same fervor that Holder attacked the States trying to stem the flood of illegal voters?

    “plus ca change plus ca meme chose”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Bad_Brad

    Regarding the optics:
    If you say that Californians outside the latrine trench have all the guns. And the self-appointed prinxesses are idiots. And have been known to be idiots for decades. Yet the people with all the guns choose to obey, and obey, and obey, the madness of known idiots. Do you see (optics) why other people don’t have concern with taking guns (power tools and pointed sticks) away from them?

  9. Both my wife and I are third generation Californians. We’re moving to ID next summer, and I’m taking my guns, business and employees with me. Between the taxes ($30K in just property taxes alone last year. Feeloader? Brown can kiss my ass) and now this, we’re outta this sewer.

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