Liberals Combat Loser Syndrome With Yard Signs – IOTW Report

Liberals Combat Loser Syndrome With Yard Signs


Rich liberals in my rich liberal home town are putting up yard signs, I guess because they lost an election and can’t take victory for granted anymore.

Hate Has No Home Here is the most common sign, with Science Is Real in second place.

The slogan is repeated in Arabic and Spanish to make sure jihadists and gangsters get the message. more here

33 Comments on Liberals Combat Loser Syndrome With Yard Signs

  1. I have a sign on my work desk that says:
    Absolutely no killing yourself for allah beyond this point.

    It works splendidly. It’s been up about a year. So far it has prevented terrorist attacks in my office and pissed off the local liberal.

  2. Around DC there a tons of signs saying that “we would love to have you as a neighbor” or some variation of that stupid assed message. Then it’s written in english, arabic and spanish.

  3. Virtue signaling, smug assertion of superiority over imaginary inferiors, and easy-branding Fan Club Membership all in one.

    That focus group at the DNC earned its free lunch. And a graphic Heart. ❤ Awwwww.

    And an implicit insult to every passerby and neighbor, since the sign exists to disavow yourself from all the horrible mean racist xenophobic Haters who you are surrounded by.

  4. A tall person doesn’t need to tell you they’re tall.

    A brave person doesn’t need to tell you they’re brave.

    A person who doesn’t hate doesn’t need to tell you they don’t hate.

    Those sighs are the typically passive aggressive chickenshit progtard way of saying “I hate you because you don’t think like me.”

  5. And why is the English language text separated from the other languages, as well as being above and larger than the rest? What kind of message are they really trying to send?

  6. I hope Crowder or Project Veritas does a door-to-door hidden cam survey on these dopes. ask if they would allow a 19 year old male muslim “refugee” to be quartered, fed, and clothed by these morons. I bet the excuses would be amazing. Such fakes. And the “Hate has no Home” ones are all over Bowling Green, OH.

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