Obama Praises Globalism in Berlin: ‘We Can’t Hide Behind a Wall’ – IOTW Report

Obama Praises Globalism in Berlin: ‘We Can’t Hide Behind a Wall’

Breitbart: Speaking in Berlin on Thursday, Barack Obama pushed for continued globalism and heaped praise on German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“There’s a competing narrative of fear and xenophobia and nationalism and intolerance and anti-democratic trends,” said Obama, discussing democracy and global responsibility with the chancellor, at the biennial congress of the German Protestant Church.

“We have to push back against those trends that would violate human rights or suppress democracy or that would restrict individual freedoms of conscience and religion.

“In this new world we live in, we can’t isolate ourselves. We can’t hide behind a wall,” Obama declared from the Brandenburg Gate, as police helicopters patrolled the skies and snipers watched the scene from nearby rooftops.  more

SNIP: Is he kidding?! He should be trashing islam, not ‘The West’ .
I hate 0bama. And I mean that. I honestly try not to hate people, but there it is.

21 Comments on Obama Praises Globalism in Berlin: ‘We Can’t Hide Behind a Wall’

  1. He’s first of all an Asshole, and will Burn in Hell.
    Oh and he’s really back now, herding the Sheepoles in’to Huge Barns.
    Yes the very people who think they’re ultra hip & trendsetters. Not good.
    I also Hate him !

  2. We aren’t hiding behind a wall, numbnuts, any more than we hide behind our front door on our homes. It is a security measure designed to keep out undesirables such as yourself. Does China hide behind its Great Wall? How about that wall WE ARE PAYING for in Jordan? The wall isn’t for hiding you absolute stupid moron. Another swing and a miss by obozo, again tripping over his own words sounding like the clueless imbecile he is. He probably didn’t have his teleprompter uh uh er duh if if if if if er ah duh …

  3. So far no outrage from the hyperventilating Corrupt Media over this obvious “collusion” with a terrorist sympathizer and destroyer of Western civilization. No mention on how many ISIS refugees O’bumbo “colluded” with while he was there, and you know he did because that’s what he does.

  4. Who IS this queer, anonymous negro
    trying to interfere with
    American foreign policy, anyway,
    and why is anyone paying attention to him/her/xim?!?

  5. Sheeeeit. Obola the Insignificant hid behind his fake Birth Certificate!
    “Who are you, really, jackass!?”

    A liar/loser for the very start of his worthless existence.

  6. Says the man who hides behind the wall of a Secret Service detail.

    It’s never been hatred but contempt that I have and feel for this man and those who facilitate the satanic, Marxist ideas he stands for.

  7. Recall, too, that it was this very man whose IRS built a “wall” to hinder the participation of free citizens who sought to participate in the “democracy” he claims to be so fond of.

    You can’t make this up. It’s surreal.

  8. Don’t forget obozo’s allowing the passage of the MS-13 members. We should round them up and send them to live with obozo and the latest version of his live-in gay lover pool boy.

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