Trump’s Food Stamp Reform Would Close the Trap of Dependency – IOTW Report

Trump’s Food Stamp Reform Would Close the Trap of Dependency

Daily Signal: President Donald Trump’s newly released budget contains a proposed food stamp reform, which the left has denounced as a “horror” that arbitrarily cuts food stamp benefits by 25 percent.

These claims are misleading.

In reality, the president’s proposed policy is based on two principles: requiring able-bodied adult recipients to work or prepare for work in exchange for benefits, and restoring minimal fiscal responsibility to state governments for the welfare programs they operate.

The president’s budget reasserts the basic concept that welfare should not be a one-way handout. Welfare should, instead, be based on reciprocal obligations between recipients and taxpayers.  more here

19 Comments on Trump’s Food Stamp Reform Would Close the Trap of Dependency

  1. it seems they have eliminated all requirements for any welfare since my wife and i got food stamps back in 1984. And we didnt qualify for much.

  2. “Continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.”

    Who ever can name the person who said that, you will receive a well deserved “atta-boy!” or “atta-girl!”

  3. Requiring able-bodied adult recipients to work or prepare for work in exchange for benefits…..Trump’s budget reasserts the basic concept that welfare should not be a one-way handout.

    There goes 85% of the democratic precinct workers.
    Which federal court will stop this inhumane cruelty under the guise of responsibility and accountability?

  4. I watched both Congressional hearings on Trump’s Tax Payer Budget. The howls and breathless doom and gloom were hilarious. Apparently the poor deserve to live decent lives. I just found out that includes cable TV and air conditioning.

    There is a section on welfare food stamps. You should have heard the outrage when the budget proposed limiting these food programs to actual food, not Wendy’s, Mountain Dew, liquor, cigarettes, just actual food.

    The County jail in cracker country Maryland had no air conditioning. The medical director told me there are taxpayers without air conditioning living in the county, so why should the jail have it. heh! good times!

  5. Can we stop calling them food stamps? In the olden days they were printed vouchers that possibly brought shame on patrons using them. Nowadays those on the dole simply swipe a card, just like people who actually go out and work to buy their family food.

    There are no soup lines, no food stamps. You and I simply have our hard work confiscated by government who electronically transfer our funds to people who look like every other shopper.

  6. Wait, what? WTF is a job, you means I gotsta work? What does I’m gonna gets? Workins fo whitie so’s they’s can’s gives me free stuffs. You’d b crazie crackers. Where’s my crack pype at’s?

  7. Make it only payable to American citizens that are dwelling outside of Europe, UK, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North America, West Indies, Central America, and South America.

    Free one-way plane rides to Africa for takers.

    Combined with some changes to the citizenship laws, we can solve this problem in a single generation.

  8. Sorry Joe, according to state and federal regulations you don’t qualify for a bureaucratically defined decent life of cable tv, free cell phone, food and air conditioning, tough luck.

    I’d like to know what size TV they consider adequate for a decent life — just a thought.

  9. As my best friend has been saying for 30+ years, “If somebody is collecting welfare and are able-bodied, then I should not see one piece of trash in the streets.”.

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