Judge tosses out life sentences for DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo – IOTW Report

Judge tosses out life sentences for DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo

NYP: NORFOLK, Va. — A federal judge has tossed out two life sentences for D.C. sniper Lee Boyd Malvo and ordered Virginia courts to hold new sentencing hearings.


In a ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Judge Raymond Jackson in Norfolk said Malvo is entitled to new sentencing hearings after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that mandatory life sentences for juveniles are unconstitutional.


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The  DC Sniper  Case

25 Comments on Judge tosses out life sentences for DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo

  1. A Clinton appointee. Maybe Bill knew that decades later Hillary would need a judge who would rule coughing old hags shouldn’t be given two life sentences. Maybe only until the coughing stops, but maybe that’s the same thing.

  2. According to a lawyer over at Legal Insurrection, the judge had no choice in the matter due to some new law/rule about sentencing those under 18. He also said there is nothing stopping the next judge from reimposing the life sentence, as long as he also considers other factors. Let’s hope the next sentencing judge looks at those “other factors” and still keeps him in jail for life.

  3. These pricks killed more people in MD than VA. I think he actually pulled the trigger in VA. They chose to put him in VA courts because they knew he would get off in Libtardville, MD.
    I believe they did this as a way to mask the killing of the ex wife of mohamhead. But they got caught before they reached her in Bowie, MD.

  4. @riverlife_callie:

    According to a lawyer over at Legal Insurrection, the judge had no choice in the matter due to…

    …a precedent set by the Supremes in 2005 in Miller v Alabama. The short version is that mandatory sentences for 17 and under are not allowed. Malvo’s case goes back to the convicting court for re-sentencing. As long as they follow the new checklist they can put him back in the can for life if they so decide.

  5. My guess is that Lee Boyd is enjoying prison as much as he enjoyed being John Muhammed’s “son” and spooge retainer.

    Never should have been apprehended. The cops should have shot him to death while he lay in the trunk with his rifle.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I’m not sure I understand the purpose of a life sentence. Man up and end this obviously defective person’s existence. But, if you’re one of those people who think it’s more humane to keep a dog locked in a cage until he expires rather than putting him down, consider the cost to taxpayers for his incarceration. Couldn’t we just cut off his head and keep it “alive” in a jar?

  7. 2 random homeless penniless losers. Hooked up at a homeless shelter. Had to panhandle for gas money and McD’s. Older drifter hater whites & converted to Islam in jail.
    In a rusty POS Buick they sniped at random people and then blended into traffic & disappeared. Tied up 30+ D.C. and tristate LE agencies. Paralyzed activities, Interstates blocked for hours with fruitless searches. Millions of human man hours lost. LE spent millions & revealed how unequipped LE is to combat real terrorism. Finally apprehended when they started ransom negotiations with handwritten notes at truckstops.

    If they had inspired even a few Muslim or random crazy copycats in major cities around the US we’d have real problems.

    Any sane society run by sane men would have fried both perps immediately after their confessions.

    Random patternless sniping is such a smple low cost tactic. Surprised ISIS hasn’t implemented it already.

  8. I remember how tense everyone in VA was in those days just gassing up your car. You’d put the nozzle in the filler and keep moving. Walk into the store and wait until sufficient time had passed and then quickly dash out and get in your car and scram.

    Those two assholes were all over this area. If they let him walk he’d best watch his back.

  9. Re-sentencing? Alright. Not the same as being let go. Let’s see what happens. Sanity, or stupidity?

    I’m guessing he’d live longer if he stayed incarcerated. Karma can catch you quicker on the outside. “Stray” bullets happen.

    I think,for him, living in prison would be worse than the death penalty.

    The dead don’t suffer.

  10. Activist judge? No, this judge is following the law, which is what he is supposed to do. People can rail against the higher court that declared life sentences for juveniles unconstitutional, but a lower court judge refusing to follow the mandates of a higher court is just as activist as our Supreme Court can be.

    Congress is ceding its power and respondibilities to the Executive and to the judiciary. This is as disturbing as anything.

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