Fighting Back: AFDI’s HUGE CUNY #CancelSarsour Protest and Attendant Fake News Blitz – IOTW Report

Fighting Back: AFDI’s HUGE CUNY #CancelSarsour Protest and Attendant Fake News Blitz

JihadWatch: There has been enormous press coverage surrounding my demo against CUNY’s obscene invitation to, as Milo succinctly put it, “sharia-loving, terrorist-embracing, Jew-hating, ticking time-bomb of progressive horror,” Linda Sarsour to keynote their commencement ceremonies.

The event was a smashing success, a triumph. Thousands came out in the pouring rain and cold to protest the monstrous invite to a monster.  And that was the lede story. The make-up of the crowd was the lede story. Mostly young, mixed, everything — true Americana. For me, that represents a sea change in our movement.  Seeing that, the enemedia had to spring into action. Not one hour after the event was over, the deranged left-wing New York Daily News crafted a false story headlined “Wild brawl breaks out at rally against CUNY’s commencement speaker civil-rights activist Linda Sarsour,” but of course, there was no wild brawl. Having been called out about this, they have since changed the headline to, “Milo Yiannopoulos-led protest against CUNY commencement speaker Linda Sarsour turns violent.” Wrong again: it was an AFDI protest, and it was not violent.  MORE

7 Comments on Fighting Back: AFDI’s HUGE CUNY #CancelSarsour Protest and Attendant Fake News Blitz

  1. The media, propaganda organ of the progressive/socialists, owns the newsprint and airwaves. They report what supports their agenda regardless of the facts. This method has not changed in centuries.
    Facts and truth from paid media’s reporting are unfound.

  2. You called me a name? Why, you are VIOLENT! The Left has redefined almost every other word in the dictionary, are we surprised they call non-violence, violence?

  3. Hey, calm down Geller, it’s their story, let them tell it any way they like.
    It’s not like any print news organization in NYC is objective, we all know that.
    Even the fish object to being wrapped in it, parrots won’t poop on it, chips won’t drain on it.
    About all it’s good for is wrapping jihadi explosives.
    “Fake News.” President Trump

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