Lawsuit by Benghazi families targeting Hillary Clinton dismissed by Obama-appointed federal judge – IOTW Report

Lawsuit by Benghazi families targeting Hillary Clinton dismissed by Obama-appointed federal judge

WaTimes: A federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit brought against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by relatives of two Americans killed during the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Mrs. Clinton neither enabled the Benghazi attack by using her now-infamous private email server nor defamed its victims’ parents afterwards, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled Friday in Washington, D.C., casting aside claims raised on behalf of parents of slain State Department information officer Sean Smith and late CIA operative Tyrone Woods.

The Smith and Woods families sued Mrs. Clinton last August in D.C. federal court alleging she caused their sons’ deaths by discussing sensitive State Dept. matters over an insecure, nongovernmental email system while secretary of state, supposedly providing terrorists with information used to plot the Sept. 11, 2012 ambush, according to the lawsuit.

Any emails sent by Mrs Clinton were within the scope of her position as secretary of state, the Obama-appointed judge ruled Friday, giving the court sufficient reason to dismiss the wrongful death claim on technical grounds, Politico first reported.

“The Court finds that Secretary Clinton was acting in the scope of her employment when she transmitted the emails that are alleged to give rise to her liability,” Judge Jackson‘s 29-page opinion reads in part.  more

15 Comments on Lawsuit by Benghazi families targeting Hillary Clinton dismissed by Obama-appointed federal judge

  1. “The Court finds that Secretary Clinton was acting in the scope of her employment ”

    Running gun and stinger missiles to terrorists was in the scope of her employment too I suppose. I hope justice is served before she dies and goes to hell.

  2. Not sure if Hillary emails put those men in jeopardy or not, but Naval Air Station Sigonella was an hour away. Rota Spain nearby. AF base Aviano not that far away.
    Obama was CINC. If he wanted to provide support to these men he could have. Within an hour.

    The treachery of Hillary and Obama cannot be overstated.

    My wish is that they are torn apart by wild dogs. But muzzies will suffice.

  3. Assuming Sessions restarts the investigation of Clinton’s use of a private server that Comey corrupted and they find grounds to charge Clinton maybe the families can refile.

    On another note, sooner or later the Democrat party will have to shut Clinton up. She thinks she’s still relevant and goes on rants further alienating non-hard left of the party as well as independents. I’ll bet she gets a visit soon from the people that actually run the party and shortly thereafter she’ll either retire from public life or have a Clintonesque “accident”.

  4. Apart from that, this is yet another instance in which the family of patriots killed are slapped in the face by their own government. Though it goes back much further than this episode, in one of the larger cases Robert Stethem’s parents won a judgement against Iran, for the barbarous murder of their son at Beirut International Airport, though they won’t see a penny. Nevertheless, Obama gave the rogue nation a planeload of cash. And now one of his appointees doesn’t even bother with a slap on the wrist.

    Constant rewards for the savages who brutalize and destroy our people, even when the POS comes from our own tribe. There is a special place in hell for Hillary Clinton.

  5. Any judge with integrity would have recused themselves from a case with such obvious conflict of interest.
    But then, that’s a clinton/obama/carter-appointed judge for you.

  6. Lisl, that’s the face of mocking laughter, and I remember it clearly from their convention.

    I’m so pleased that the American voter, electoral system, and chess player Donald Trump BODY SLAMMED her ass to the ground.

    Now it’s time to prosecute. It has to be done.

  7. Crying foul on this one. Lookup her bio. She’s a firm-hopper,defended Jefferson in his corruption case and obvious party-hack. She should have recused herself from this case.

  8. Boehnerdict, indeed. Time after time again they are shown pictures of our dead and they simply laugh at the parents. Grendel’s mother and her “What difference does it make” is heard every time she opens her disgusting gob.

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